Monday, April 13, 2020

Differentiation in Practice Essays - Educational Psychology

Differentiation in Practice Differentiation is an important part of education. By providing a differentiated instruction plan each student is allowed to learn at their own pace and instruction is personalized to their specific learning needs by modifying pace, variety, and skills needed within lessons teachers can reach the needs of every student within their classroom (Watson, 2013). Differentiation can make the difference between student understanding and student failure by presenting information in a matter that has meaning and applies to students within their abilities. Within differentiation, many strategies are used to assure student understanding and assure teachers that students are learning. In this paper, I will discuss use of the six-column framework, apply the framework using a concept formation exercise, and address the needs of attention to the learning environment in creating a differentiated classroom. Six-Column Framework Using a six-column framework you are breaking down your problem into six areas and designing alternatives to each of the problems within the framework. Differentiation can be broken down this way by addressing each need within the differentiated learning environment and listing all aspects checking of concepts in practice or that the teacher has understanding of within the list. Within differentiation, a teacher might want to address the learning climate, the learners style of learning, where the learner is at in learning, instructional approaches, how to adjust learning, and curriculum approaches in creating a differentiated classroom. Each section of the spreadsheet would then contain every idea for creating a differentiated environment. It included definitions, goals, and researched understanding and provides a checklist for how to succeed in creating a differentiated classroom showing the ideal pictures of differentiation looks like. This method gives a clear concise image of where to progress in achieving your goals. Despite the benefits, teachers need to realize that the six-column framework is not a linear model and all elements are essential and need continual work (Gregory, 2003). Concept Formation Exercise Using the Round the room brainstorming exercise teachers can further assess the differentiation model of learning by dividing into groups with charts of each of the six frameworks given to one group. In this formation, teachers brainstorm each aspect of the framework one at a time writing down notes about each aspect, then move to the next aspect to brainstorm ideas regarding that aspect. This is done until all aspects are addressed by each of the groups then groups go back to their starting place and prioritize, analyze, and cluster data they previously brainstormed. Each step within the Round the Room Brainstorming is used to analyze what the group knows as well as give individuals ideas of new understandings within the group and to share experiences as a group to gain further understanding of each element. The final step involves removing elements and prioritizing which creates the need for understanding and justification. The method is ideal of problem solving, generating ideas, and fostering learning. Teachers are able to share knowledge of the topics as well as provide insight on what they are already doing and how effective it is working within their classroom (Gregory, 2003). Climate Classroom environment includes a full range of concepts, including the physical setting, the psychological environment, and instructional components related to the characteristics and behaviors of the teacher (Miller The environment not only includes the chairs and layout of the room but also includes the emotions and feeling of teachers, and students when they interact within the environment. Using research, they have determined that classrooms with cooperative groups have a more positive image of fairness in grading, stronger group cohesion, and a higher degree of social support as well as higher achievement scores then classrooms that do not have cooperative group support (Miller Thus, active participation by both students and teaching staff in cooperation to learning has an impact on the degree of learning achieved within the classroom. Climate can be warm and friendly and encourage learning, or it can be harsh and discourage learning. One of the key factors in establishing an effective learning environment that encourages differentiation is knowing your students and shaping a classroom around the needs of every student within the class. Use of multiple intelligences, as well as use of

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