Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Competence destroying vs enhancing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Competence destroying vs enhancing - Assignment Example There are two types of innovations which are architectural innovation and generation innovations. Architectural innovation is characterized by fundamental changes in the linkages between existing subsystems in an organization. The modifications are made to ensure that the organization achieves its goals and objectives much faster with minimal expenditures. Generational innovations were involved with changes made to the already existing linked subsystems hence it is much broader. Assessing the effects of an innovation to a business is very important since it will determine whether the organization will carry on with the innovation or stop it. At the same time it can be used to point out the weak points of the innovation so as to aid with the process of improving it. The level of competence enhancing and destroying are the major concepts used to determine the effect of an innovation. For instance, in e-business, can be assessed whether it is appropriate to the organization being on a number of factors. For instance, the innovation should cost effective in the sense that there is minimal time spent and financial input towards achieving the organizations

Monday, October 28, 2019

The social impact of the Second World War Essay Example for Free

The social impact of the Second World War Essay The Second World War had a profound effect on white men who lived in the United States during the 1940s. Many volunteered for overseas military service, and many more joined the army in the nations first peacetime draft, which occurred in 1941 as a precursor to the United Statess future involvement in the war. World War II also, however, had a profound impact on the lives of women and ethnic minorities in the United States. Because white men were the primary candidates of the draft, women and minorities were able to fill job openings that were created when over 1 million Americans went to fight the war. This was not true of Japanese-Americans, however, who were treated with high levels of discrimination and were detained on account of their ancestral background, on the grounds that they were perceived as a threat to national security in the United States. Thus, while the average domestic American woman and ethnic minority benefited from the Second World War, Japanese-Americans were often targets of racial profiling and bigotry, suffering greatly during the war. Until the United States became involved in World War II, women were primarily confined to domestic duties. With the Great Depression affecting the lives of all American families prior to the war, there were not enough jobs for women and men to fill, and thus men received priority when jobs were being filled. Once many men left the United States to fight the war, however, women were able to fill jobs that were now vacant. Women were soon found commonly in industrial positions, as searchlight workers, and nurses in the military. One important political figure during World War II was Rosie the Riveter, who was portrayed as a buff-looking woman who represented female factory workers during this time period. This was an important figure for the United States because it convinced women to apply for jobs that were previously considered â€Å"man’s work†, in order to secure a paycheck and support the nation’s wartime effort. Women idolized the idea of supporting the United States by working for companies that produced war supplies and foodstuffs for the military. This shift in gender roles and social changes in the lives of women was only temporary, however, as the role of women in America returned to that of a housewife after victory in Japan was sealed and the men and women who went to fight the war returned home. Many married women and mothers did continue to work, however, and the percentage of working women in the United States remained at its highest in history. This is a profound social impact that  still affects the role of women in American society today. African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans were also socially impacted by World War II. Both ethnic groups migrated toward large cities in the United States and, like women, took jobs previously denied to them because they were already filled by white males. Once the military draft occurred, however, many vacancies appeared and job openings became prominent, even for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. In addition, both ethnic groups had a sizeable representation in the United States’s military troops that fought the Second World War. While many soldiers from these groups were drafted into the military, many more volunteered for Allied service. Whether because they felt obligated to serve out of patriotism, or if they hoped to gain additional civic rights as a reward for military service, the importance of these ethnic groups in the military during World War II is not something that can be neglected. During and after, ethnic minorities African-Americans especially rallied much support for the desegregation movement. The people of the United States soon would no longer be legally allowed to socially isolate people based on their race as they had done in the past. All public buildings would have their â€Å"Whites Only† and â€Å"Colored Only† in favor of equality and social integration of all races. These dramatic social benefits for ethnic minorities of the 1940s and the future were all caused, directly and indirectly, by the Second World War. While women, African-Americans, and Hispanic-Americans may have benefited from the outbreak of the war, Japanese-Americans were subject to much bigotry and were detained in internment camps throughout the time that the United States was involved in the Second World War. President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 approximately 2 months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. This order stated that the American government had the right to detain anyone in the United States who could compromise national security during the war. While this affected a few hundred people of German and Italian descent, the order was primarily directed toward Japanese-Americans, of whom over 100,000 were detained for the duration of the United States’s involvement in the war. Even before being incarcerated, Japanese-Americans were the subject of much racism and discrimination among other Americans due solely to their heritage. They were labeled as â€Å"Japs†, a common abbreviation for a Japanese person that became an ethnic slur following the attack on  Pearl Harbor. Other Americans treated Japanese-Americans as inferior beings and treated them similarly to how African-Americans had been treated in recent American history. Thus, Japanese-Americans suffered greatly during the Second World War, in contrast to the benefits that women and other ethnic minorities experienced. While white men were the primary participants in the United States’s World War II effort, of whom hundreds of thousands enlisted in the military or were drafted, the Second World War had profound impacts on women and ethnic minorities as well. Opportunities emerged in job fields that now had vacancies since so many men left to fight the war. In addition, women were able to join the war effort by serving as nurses, and colored men were able to enlist and serve the Allies as soldiers. Japanese-Americans, however, were subject to much bigotry and racism from other Americans and were even detained throughout the course of American involvement in the war. Even though the United States government eventually apologized for its actions toward Japanese-Americans, they suffered greatly during the war and did not benefit socially from the Second World War, as did women and other ethnic minorities.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Attitudes Toward Sex Education Essay -- Sociology Sexual Education

Sex is huge, sex is important; everyone cares and has something to say about sex. Sex sells. Sex is an immense part of life for almost everyone in the nation and the world, including youth. Teens hear about sex from their friends, from the shows they watch on television, from the music they listen to, and sometimes, once in a while, they hear about it as discussed by their parents and teachers in an educational context. In a Center For Disease Control (CDC) report from the year 2000, about 65% of 19 year-old teens were currently sexually active, with another 20% unsure if they would chose to be active or not in the near future, and only the remaining 15% choosing to be abstinent from sex at this age. Obviously the majority of teens are engaging in some nature of sexual activity at a relatively early age, and therefore it is important that they learn about the consequences associated with sex and about safe sexual practices, like using protection and being informed about sexual transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy. It was reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute that approximately 4 in 10 young women in the U.S. become pregnant at least once before turning 20 years old. It was also reported that in the U.S., one in four sexually active teens become infected with an STD every year. With alarming statistics such as these, it is a given that these teens must be well informed before making a decision that could very well alter their lives. The overwhelming majority of parents and other adults surveyed believe that some form of sex education should be taught in schools today. When asked "Would you be for or against sex education in the public schools?" in 2004 by the General Social Survey (GSS) over 90% o... ...rds to the research question. Overall however, I believe this was a good start to performing a study on this interesting and important topic. Sources Boseley, Sarah. Europeans reject abstinence message in split with US on Aids. The Guardian. December 1, 2005. Colby, Edward B. Schooled. Columbia Journalism Review. September 1, 2005, Vol. 44 Issue 3. Feldman, Sally. Why I'm Glad My Daughter Had Underage Sex. Humanist. Nov/Dec 2004, Vol. 64 Issue 6. Jayson, Sharon. Teens Define Sex in New Ways. USA TODAY. October 19, 2005. Ubell, E. Sex-education programs that work-and some that don't. Parade Magazine. February 12, 1995. Walter, HJ & Vaugh RD. AIDS risk reduction among a multi-ethnic sample of urban high school students. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1993. New England Primer Website NPR website

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Treasure Hunt, Pico Question

Title: Treasure Hunt Assignment ? Pico Question The PICO question used in this assignment is In adult patients with short term voiding problems, what is the effect of urethral catheter design compared with standard latex catheters on the rate of urinary tract infection? Define Systematic Review A systematic review is a scientific approach that combines results from a group of original research studies and looks at the studies as a whole (Nieswiadomy, 2012).Systematic reviews are pertinent for evidence-based practice (EBP) because it brings together research on the effectiveness of treatments or interventions and helps clinicians decide which treatments or approaches are supported by evidence (Nieswiadomy, 2012). Titles Found-First Search The following are five titles found: †¢Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. †¢Methenamine hippurate for preventing urinary tract infections. †¢Cranberries for treating urinary tract infections. Prophylactic antibiotics to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections after urodynamic studies. †¢Routine neonatal circumcisions for the prevention of urinary tract infections in infancy. Systematic Review Found-Second Search The systematic review that was found on the second search that specifically answers the PICO question is Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalized adults by Katie Schumm and Thomas Lam. Summary of the Systematic ReviewDescribe how the systematic review applies to the PICO Question (1) The systematic review answers the PICO question in that it addresses risk and rate of urinary tract infections associated with types of indwelling catheters in adult hospitalized patients with short term voiding problems. Types of Studies Reviewed (2) Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialized Register of trials (May 24, 2010) was searched in addition to bibliographies of relevant articles.Catheter manufacture representatives were also contacted for tria ls (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). How the Review was conducted (3) Selection Criteria Selection criteria were compromised of all randomized and quasi-randomized trials that compared types of indwelling urinary catheters for short-term use in hospitalized adults (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Data collection Data collected was reviewed and then independently verified by a second reviewer (Schumm & Lamm, 2008).Clarifications were sought and disagreements were resolved as described in the Cochrane Handbook (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Subjects Twenty three trials were conducted. Those meeting criteria were 5,246 hospitalized adults in parallel groups trials and 27,878 adults in one large cluster-randomized cross-over trial (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Important Terms Defined and Significance (4,5) Urinary catheters were defined as â€Å"small tubes inserted through the urethra (outlet for urine)† (Schumm & Lamm, 2008).The review further states that urinary catheters are used short term post-surgery or to m onitor urine output in hospitalized patients (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). It is important to define this term because it is a main component of the subject of study. Also, defining a term in a systematic review provides clarity and a clear-cut definition of the subject for those not familiar with medical terminology. Studies Reviewed (6) Full access to this review is restricted without a membership.The abstract and information cited by is accessible for free. From what can be gathered, thirteen different studies were reviewed for this systematic review. Primary Recommendation and Significance (7,8) What this review concluded is that antiseptic or antibiotic coated urinary catheters might reduce the presence bacteriuria of hospitalized adults, and that siliconized catheters might cause the least side effects in men (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). However the review stated the evidence was weak.It suggested that more rigorous trials are needed to make a valid conclusion as to if antibiotic or antise ptic coated urinary catheters reduce the rate of urinary tract infections (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). This conclusion is important to nursing care because it addresses some possible interventions/treatments to reduce the most common hospital acquired infection which ultimately leads to providing excellent patient care to promote and abstain optimal health.If further research does conclude that antibiotic or antiseptic coated urinary catheters are effective at reducing the rate of urinary tract infections, health care has yet advanced another step in resolving the huge of issue nosocomial-acquired infections. References Nieswiadomy, R. M. (2012). Foundation of Nursing Resarch (6th ed. ). Boston: Pearson. Schumm K. , Lam, B. L. (2008). Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalized adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008 (2). DOI: 10. 1002/14651858. CD004013. pub3 ?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Eliade on Baptism

Renate Rodila Professor Nick Newell Rels 2001 17 September 2012 Eliade on Baptism Eliade believes in a sacred space that is connected to the creation of the cosmos from chaos. Through these beliefs Eliade would see baptism as a ritual symbolizing the original act of creation by God. Eliade claims that for religious man and non-religious man a sacred space exists. For religious man the sacred space is not homogenous and divided between the real existing space and the entire formless expanse surrounding it (Eliade 20).For non-religious man, places such as a man’s birthplace can be considered unique and sacred to them (Eliade 24). Religious man separates space between cosmos and chaos. The cosmos is the inhabited world and the chaos is the unknown space outside the world (Eliade 29). Eliade then describes the axis mundi as a vertical feature seen as the center of the world. This center is labeled as a pole, pillar or tree that links the heaven, the earth, and the underworld (Elia de 36).The imago mundi is defined as the cosmos on the ground divided into four regions with the axis mundi as the central point (Eliade 45). The religious man wants to be in a place closest to the gods and can do this by physically living in a location near the axis mundi or by experiencing the cosmos as it was first created. In the book of Matthew and Romans the use of baptism in the Christian world is explained. Matthew 3 tells the story of how baptism started with Jesus going to the Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist.The moment Jesus was baptized the heavens opened up and he saw a dove as the spirit of god (Bible, Matthew 3:16). He also heard a voice from heaven saying, â€Å"This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased† (Bible, Matthew 3:17). Eliade would refer to the Jordan River in Jerusalem as a sacred space for the Christian community. The heavens opening at this spot makes it an axis mundi because it is a place where the communication from earth t o the heavens was exposed.Eliade acknowledges in his writing that Jerusalem is a sacred and holy place in the Judaeo- Christian Traditions (Eliade 44-45). This is the location where Jesus was baptized because of how sacred it was there. In Romans 6 baptism is told to be a way that man can be reborn into a new life free of sin. Baptism make the man become one with the body of Christ and through him become alive to god (Bible, Romans 6:10-11). Then back to Matthew in chapter 28 Jesus told his disciples to baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Jesus can also be considered an axis mundi because he is the connection to the cosmic levels. So by being baptized and becoming one with Jesus a person is able to get closer to God. Being baptized serves as a symbol of the rebirth of the world. Eliade says, â€Å"The experience of sacred time will make it possible for religious man periodically to experience the cosmos as it was†¦at the mythical moment of creation† (Eliade 65). Man needs to experience the creation of the cosmos and for Christians that is through baptism.When someone is baptized that person is submerged in water and the taken back out. The water can be seen as the formless expanse of chaos and emergence from water symbolized creation and birth, whereas on the other hand, immersion in water meant the loss of form and symbolized a return to the situation prior to creation, and death prior to rebirth. To sum it up Eliade would consider the aquatic symbolism of baptism as a way to get closer to God and spiritually reliving the creation of the cosmos.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Pit and the Pendulum Essay Essays

The Pit and the Pendulum Essay Essays The Pit and the Pendulum Essay Paper The Pit and the Pendulum Essay Paper There are some narratives. where the objects that are described or portrayed play a more of import portion of the narrative than what we believed. In The Pit and the Pendulum. a short narrative written by Edgar Allan Poe there is certain symbolism that adds intending to the narrative. The storyteller is stating the narrative from a keep in Toledo. Spain as a captive during the Spanish Inquisition. In the narrative. there are certain objects that have of import symbolism for the play. since they lead the storyteller to his decease. This narrative is one of Poe’s more popular plants since he creates a dark ambiance. adds suspense and a deep significance to these symbols. His symbolism transmits the subject of adult male struggles to last. The symbols make the storyteller face his chief job and stress what he feels while qualifying his emotions. The cavity is the most of import symbol in the narrative. The storyteller about faces decease by falling on the border of the cavity. re cognizing how close to decease he had been because the cavity had a deep surface. The cavity represents decease or falling into snake pit. It can be interpreted as decease because for the storyteller. it is something unknown. he didn’t know that the cavity was at that place. or how deep it was. The same happens with decease. cipher truly knows what happens after we die or where is it precisely where we go. In the narrative. the cavity is portrayed as this terrorization symbol that can besides be interpreted as snake pit. Since snake pit is the belief of a topographic point where people go after decease because they have sinned. the storyteller is considered to be guilty of a offense he did non commit. he doesn’t deserve to decease in the cavity. or harmonizing to the symbolism. combustion in snake pit. At the beginning of the narrative. the storyteller describes the â€Å"seven tall candles† that remind him of angels that subsequently turn into â€Å"meaningles s apparitions. with caputs of fire. † The significances that Thoreau wants to give to these tapers are a mark of hope. followed by letdown and despair. The fact that he imagined angels coming to his deliverance means that he was keeping on to his life. non giving up until those angels turned into Satan. and so his perceptual experience changed into thought that he was all entirely and abandoned. â€Å"And so my vision fell upon the seven autumn tapers upon the tabular array. At first they wore the facet of charity. and seemed white slender angels who would salvage me ; but so. all at one time. there came a most deathly sickness over my spirit. and I felt every fibre in my frame thrill as if I had touched the wire of a voltaic battery. while the angel signifiers became nonmeaningful apparitions. with caputs of fire. and I saw that from them there would be no aid. † The pendulum that is portrayed in the narrative is a symbol that represents clip. As the pendulum descends more and more. the storyteller realizes that is coming right to him. willing to take him to his intolerable decease. In the narrative. clip is a important component. since the storyteller has his seconds counted before confronting his decease. which fortunately. he escapes. â€Å"It was the painted figure of Time as he is normally represented. salvage that in stead of a scythe he held what at a insouciant glimpse I supposed to be the envisioned image of a immense pendulum. such as we see on old-timer redstem storksbills. † The pendulum is an instrument for anguish since it involves decease itself while numbering off the seconds until the terminal. The symbolism that the objects undertaking in the narrative emphasizes what Poe wanted to add or stand for the significance that is beyond what he wanted the storyteller in the narrative to portray. The symbols connect the story teller to what is really go oning in the narrative and do the reader understand better. In this instance. the symbols that were utilized are critical for the narrative. without them. the narrative would non hold the same significance and this happens with a batch of Edgar Allan Poe’s narratives and verse forms. it is an component that identifies them. Plants Citedâ€Å"Short Narratives: The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe. † Short Narratives: The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe. N. p. . n. d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014. Cover missive:I found the narrative really interesting I thought that the symbols were non difficult to construe. I decided to analyse the symbols because they are a really of import portion of the narrative. even though I did non analyse all of them. but I choose the three that I considered more relevant to the narrative My essay is concise and easy to read and understand. I included a batch of illustrations like direct quotation marks from the text that support my organic structure paragraphs. That was what I liked the most about my essay. the quotation marks that I included. because it gives you an thought of the point of position of the storyteller and how precisely he felt or what he thought. My debut is apprehensible and it gives you the thought of what the essay is traveling to be approximately. The organic structure paragraphs explain each of the symbols and I provided illustrations and analyzed them to do it more clear. My decision explains overall what the essay was approximately and it summarizes the debut.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Critical Essay Writing

Critical Essay Writing Critical Essay Writing In modern education, critical thinking is important assignment. The aim of all educators is to teach their student how to think critically. The critical thinking is an important skill and it is developed with the help of critical essay writing. Critical thinking is about valuation of what people say or what the author describes in his or her work. The purpose of teaching critical thinking is to improve the thinking skills of students and, thus, to prepare them better to writing a critical essay: Critical Essay Writing: How to Write You should show you ability to synthesize criticism with your own analysis which should be well-organized and well supported in your critical essay. You should think about thesis statement that controls and unifies the development of supporting evidence. Thesis sentence should help the reader to understand the sequence of your ideas along with the textual evidence supporting your thesis. As in any research essay, you should pay attention to organization of your notes. Select a topic that is of interest to you, the topic which you would like to research. Reading the original text, try to understand the problems that author is trying to solve. Find the important words in the book and determine the author's usage of these terms. Identify the most important sentences in the book, the ones that express the judgments. These are the foundational affirmations and denials of the author. They must be either premises or conclusions. State them in your own words. While writing English essay construct the arguments, begin with assumptions and self-evident propositions. An argument is your line of reasoning aimed at demonstrating the truth or falsehood of the author's work. You should present reasons, statements, and facts that support your point of view in the essay. Determine the author's solutions to the problem or question that he or she posed. After these steps are completed, you may start research on criticisms related to your topic. At this stage of essay writing process, you have a chance to argue with the author and express yourself. However, do not say that you agree or disagree with the author until you do not understand why your opinion is different. Do not start criticizing if you are not able to say that you really understand the book. Critical literary essay require a good critical judgments. Critical Essay Outline Critical essay outline should be well constructed. Critical essay outline has a definite format: introduction, body paragraph and conclusion. Before writing an essay make a plan, think about thesis statement, ideas, arguments and examples. Academic essay writing demands from you the expression of your ideas, not copy/paste of others. Ordering custom critical essay writing service at you get 100% plagiarism free essay written in accordance to your instructions. We do not miss deadlines and we put your interests and needs on the first place. We guarantee authenticity of every essay we deliver and provide free plagiarism report. Read also: College Essay Essay Writing Thesis Writing Tips Thesis Topics Thesis Papers in Education

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What To Do If You Don’t Want To Work Anymore

What To Do If You Don’t Want To Work Anymore You find yourself totally checked out at work. You just can’t bring yourself to care- let alone work- let alone work hard. Your attitude has slipped. You can’t remember why you’re even doing what you’re doing. Trouble is: this can have a terrible impact on your career. Don’t let your current attitude impact your future reputation. First: Fight Through Work ApathyHere are a few strategies on how to combat a complete lack of interest in your job, or  work fatigue.1. Change your mind.Sometimes it really is a simple matter of faking it ‘til you make it. You can change the way your brain works. You can make your attitude more positive- just by trying. Start by rethinking your job as not just the bane of your existence. Until your two weeks notice are in, this is still your job and you still have to do it. Restart your thinking. Find something you can love about your work. And if you can’t, start strategizing how to change jobs.2. Reward yo urself.Figure out a way to be able to get through your day. If you finish working on that one task you’re dreading, allow yourself a hot chocolate with a coworker. If you finish a huge project, allow yourself to take a personal day and do something fun. Stay on top of your inbox for a week, and take yourself out to dinner!3. Think about the future.It might just be a rough or boring patch. Consider having a conversation with your boss about moving forward, perhaps taking on more interesting work, or shifting to another department. Start setting up the meetings now that will help you realize your best future. If you’re sure it’s not just a temporary slump, start preparing for what you might need to do to get yourself into a position you do want.Then: Make the Life Changes Necessary to Get Back on TrackIf you’re sure it’s the job and not your problem, start strategizing about your next steps. The worst thing you can do is rely on a job you hate just b ecause you have to stay afloat or you’ve let inertia get the better of you. Find yourself a job situation that lets you live a life you actually like. Here are a few things to keep in mind.1. Rethink your relationship to money.Money isn’t just stuff. It’s time, freedom, possibility. It’s a family. It’s travel. Figure out which is more important to you- money, or time. If money is your priority, you’ll never free yourself from the rat race. If time is, then it’s time to start prioritizing the things that matter. Rather than buy that extra latte or designer purse, why not save it for a mortgage fund or a family trip? Material goods can end up putting you in a loop of need and want that no amount of work will ever get you out of. And remember: the less you make, the less you’ll pay in taxes!2. Cut corners.Save money and eat better by eating at home. Think of your car not as a status symbol but as a way to get safely from place to place. If it’s a nice day outside, consider a picnic instead of a movie. A movie night at home instead of concert tickets. Take up running instead of shelling out for gym membership. See every expense as another piece of your life you’ll have to sacrifice. Spend mindfully.3. Choose work you care about and take action right away.This is the most important thing. Take ownership of what you do by believing in it. Figure out a way to incorporate what you really care about into your professional life. And if you’re not there yet, don’t worry. Just get the ball rolling. Start doing the work you’ll need to do to get there.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What is your experience with writing, both in English and in your Essay

What is your experience with writing, both in English and in your first language - Essay Example The amount of time spent formulating an effective message is much less compared to that spent used to write using the less used language. It happens that the main mode of communication and the internationally accepted language is English. Therefore, the education system has made it mandatory and more used language than the first languages. Further, it creates a common platform for the diverse people with diverse dialect and languages in total. With that, there is a laxity in the perfecting the first language and making it useful for official communication. English h has got studied and can be taught in a systematic manner unlike first languages in the world over. It is hard for me to use the use English than I do with the first language. With English, it is easier to articulate issues clearly, the time taken to formulate the sensible information is much less, and the language is less complex generally. Therefore makes English dominate over my first language because of the mastery of both languages compared is different. In conclusion, the ability to use language to communicate effectively in writing is determined by the knowledge of the language and the practice in using

Friday, October 18, 2019

Project Governance Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Project Governance - Research Proposal Example The role of the stakeholders lies in the government department who are largely required to implement strategies to manage time, effort and money to be incurred for the project. The purpose of this analysis is to locate all the key influential people who are directly responsible for managing the project and has a hand in project duration and monetary determination. The various responsibilities enable better functioning of the project and make sure that all the formalities of project resource delegation and allocation is handled. This information is prepared for keeping a knowledge document for every type of resource and people enforcing the requirement analysis of the project. It stands very essential to manage the project members and determine all parties who influence decision making to complete the project with the assigned resources (Paul, 2007). Paul, G (2007). "Stakeholder Management Sheet". Retrieved 31, January 2009 from,%20Stakeholder%20Management%20Sheet%20(template).ppt.

Promoting health for child and young adult Case Study

Promoting health for child and young adult - Case Study Example The aim of this research is to assess the healthcare requirements and needs babies and in the context of providing a high quality of life for babies through nursing. In order to attain this end, the following ends will be explored: There are numerous debates about when policy covers babies. The right to the abortion of foetuses implies that the scope of the laws protecting children is somewhat restrained and limited by the rights of parents to decide whether to have babies or not (Ballatt & Campling, 2009). However, rights are granted to babies form the womb through the fact that healthcare facilities are required to take reasonable care to ensure that babies are separated from contagious diseases that could spread from mothers and behaviours like smoking that could adversely affect babies. The actual work and obligation towards giving these children care lies with healthcare providers and this include specialist care practice health nurses (SCPHN) who might have the obligation to provide care at the facility and follow up with visits afterwards (Dolan & Holt, 2012). These health visits and other activities by SCPHN will involve observing various rules and regulations and ensuring that care is taken in order to analyse the babies and provide their needs (Luker, Orr, & McHugh, 2012; Bridgemann, Keating, & Lind, 2013). The SCPHN is bound by the codes of the NMC which include providing care in good faith by respecting the needs of all people including the babies and their mothers in order to safeguard their health and safety. There are NICE practices which include maintaining certain specific standards in promoting the proper care of babies from birth through to the first five years through high quality, cost effective patient care as well as the use of treatment and prevention (National Institue for Health and Care Excellence, 2013). Also, the Healthy Child Programme of the UK government provides a range of guidance that prompts care amongst healthcare

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Challenges and Solutions for Long-Term Care in Aging Populations Assignment

Challenges and Solutions for Long-Term Care in Aging Populations - Assignment Example According to the latest statistics carried out around 40 million people in the United States are aged more than 65 years of age and the country is projected to have 89 million citizens above 65 years by the year 2050. This raises a concern for the help the elderly will be given and by whom. Will the facilities like Medicare and Medicaid provide the service or will they have to depend on their families for support? The above issues show the urgency and the need for the health sector and the government to look into this problem and tackle it as a matter of urgency (the United States, 1986). The long-term care services both in-house and in the healthcare facilities are associated with medical care but they have an emphasis on helping the elderly with their daily chores which include bathing and preparing meals on the condition that they need this assistance. The Medicare is headed by a health professional through a health aid (normal person) will also help the elderly. The issuing of the special equipment that they require which include wheelchairs and grab bars is also a responsibility of the long-term care service providers. The long-term care services are however not only needed by the elderly, but research shows that only a small percentage of the people who require the service are of the younger age (Wilson Company,2014). The challenges they face come from the day to day duties that they are supposed to perform and may face a lot of challenges which may range from the lack of finances. The government and other healthcare providers in the United States have not put a lot of emphasis on the long-term care services and as a result, the nurses and the administrators find themselves overstretched by the resources they have at their disposal. The other challenge is the lack of expertise in dealing with the elderly in the community, and they are not aware of what to do or how to treat people who are elder than them. There should be some training that should be provided to help the nurses and the administrators have the right knowledge of dealing with the elderly cases (Nyce, 2005).

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Human Resource Management - Essay Example Thus, under management, there exists difference between staff authority and line authority. Line authority offers managers the privilege or power to issue commands or orders to other employees or managers. Line authority establishes subordinate-superior relationship. Thus, managers connect line managers with administering various functions like production or sales which are very important for the survival of a business or industry. Line authority ushers a relationship which is advisory in nature. Line managers have line authority whereas staff managers normally have staff authority. However, staff managers do not have authority down the chain of command. Staff managers always have supportive or advisory functions. However, line managers who give the busiess the biggest headache are the ones who normally meet the business goals but make life traumatic for the business with their idiosyncratic demeanour. These are the persons who are usually blamed for showing an attitude issue: a poor , a bad, a negative attitude. Such idiosyncratic demeanour may result in either diminishing or low productivity, increasing or high error rate thereby resulting in the deteroiration of quality, frequent infringmetn of procedures and rules, lack of cooperationf from subordinate employees or lack of team spirit, poor overall performance of the business, large employee turnover and acute resistance to change in the organisation (McConnell 2010:314). As Boxall and Purcell (2003) rightly said that "here is no such thing as the single HR practice of the firm. It is more accurate to imagine the HR practices of the firm as norms around which there is variation due to the idiosyncratic behaviour of line managers† (as cited in Redman and Wilkinson, 2009), this research essay will make an earnest attempt whether there exists a single HR practice of the business as this will be influenced due to idiosyncratic behaviour of line managers in a major way. â€Å"Line Manager – Definiti on† The front line managers are one who can be accountable for the success or failure of a company and to whom much authority has been delegated for decision making and with whom the CEO is likely to spend less time. Thus , the front line managers may be general managers of sales or R&D department , floor- shop supervisors , general managers of call centres or restaurant chains. Line managers occupy a pivotal position in any organisation as they boost and motivate the morale of the employees who design, manufacture and market the company’s services or products to end consumers. Line managers are like backbone of a company as it is they who administer its execution. CEO of a company is briefed with the current happenings in the company due to the feedback loop given by the line managers . Thus , the line managers are a vital part of CEO team and comprises of senior functional heads , executive team or major investors or customers of the business. CEO should see that the line managers are being given much significance as they comprise a vital group in the management cluster , sharing much of his time by lisentening to them and employing the feedback of their interaction with the line managers to mobilise the whole organisation and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Challenges and Solutions for Long-Term Care in Aging Populations Assignment

Challenges and Solutions for Long-Term Care in Aging Populations - Assignment Example According to the latest statistics carried out around 40 million people in the United States are aged more than 65 years of age and the country is projected to have 89 million citizens above 65 years by the year 2050. This raises a concern for the help the elderly will be given and by whom. Will the facilities like Medicare and Medicaid provide the service or will they have to depend on their families for support? The above issues show the urgency and the need for the health sector and the government to look into this problem and tackle it as a matter of urgency (the United States, 1986). The long-term care services both in-house and in the healthcare facilities are associated with medical care but they have an emphasis on helping the elderly with their daily chores which include bathing and preparing meals on the condition that they need this assistance. The Medicare is headed by a health professional through a health aid (normal person) will also help the elderly. The issuing of the special equipment that they require which include wheelchairs and grab bars is also a responsibility of the long-term care service providers. The long-term care services are however not only needed by the elderly, but research shows that only a small percentage of the people who require the service are of the younger age (Wilson Company,2014). The challenges they face come from the day to day duties that they are supposed to perform and may face a lot of challenges which may range from the lack of finances. The government and other healthcare providers in the United States have not put a lot of emphasis on the long-term care services and as a result, the nurses and the administrators find themselves overstretched by the resources they have at their disposal. The other challenge is the lack of expertise in dealing with the elderly in the community, and they are not aware of what to do or how to treat people who are elder than them. There should be some training that should be provided to help the nurses and the administrators have the right knowledge of dealing with the elderly cases (Nyce, 2005).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Marketing principles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Marketing principles - Assignment Example Lowering prices increase the sales volume of the company. In some cases, consumers do not consider the price of the product, but instead go for quality, cost effectiveness, accessibility, time, and value added. Therefore, price influences the companys growth and at the same time limited in its scope. These are company’s activities, which makes the product available to consumers. For products to be available to consumers, an organization must target larger geographical coverage and open distribution centers. Similarly, goods have to be placed next to consumers to allow their accessibility. Because of this, companies open distribution networks to enable the products and services reach the target market. This is a way the company communicates to its customers about the product, values and benefits. There are different ways an organization can promote its products, and they include internet marketing, print media adverts, direct sales among others. Marketing orientation is of benefit because it makes the organization respond to demands. It enables the organization to react to what customers want hence eliminating guessing and forecasting characterized by guessing what consumers wants. It also helps in building customer values, which helps a company in increasing customer loyalty to the brand. This benefits the company because it gives a competitive advantage and solidifies the customer base. The company also benefits from reward sales because of customers repeat larger purchase. However, it is costly because the company has to invest in marketing research. This may prove to be expensive for an organization will have to move and conduct a study in order to know what customers prefer. The microenvironment influencing MacDonald marketing strategies involves issues of its managements. For instance, the company has many customers, which influences its marketing decision. It has to market its products to reach its large customers

Monday, October 14, 2019

Condom Manufacturers Essay Example for Free

Condom Manufacturers Essay 1. The online survey is faster and inexpensive, regardless of sample size; there are no printing, postage, labor, travel or telephone costs. And the answers are more honest than other channels. 2.(1) do you like shopping online? A. Yes B. No (2) Do you know where you can get a condom? A. Yes B. No (3) Which place is your prefer for purchasing the condoms? A. Supermarket B. Vending machine C. Online D. Sex shop E. other place (4) Do you feel embarrassing or strange feeling when you are buying condoms? A. Yes B. No (5) Is it convenient for you when you want to buy condom? A. Yes B. No (6) Why do you think it is difficult to obtain a condom? A. too expensive B. they are sold too far away C. embarrassed D. it is hard to find a good brand 3. In order to know the reason why there are 30% buyers still have some reservations about buying condoms, first of all, we have to use the survey methods of primary research. Secondly, the motivation research can be used, which consists of projective technique and focus group discussion. We can give some incomplete sentences  and ask the research respondent to complete them. Therefore, we can base on the result to analyze the personality and innermost thought of the respondent. Moreover, observing consumer behavior in the marketplace is another important way to collect market research data. We only record consumer behavior without questioning them and usually without their even being aware of the process. For example, do the buyers read the package? Do they compare prices? The last method is called experimental research. If Durex Company increase the retail price of a particular product, will that lead to fewer sales in the store? To discover the correlation between these factors, we may conduct an experiment, in which we gather data by manipulating certain factors under tightly controlled conditions to test cause and effect. For example, we can change the price for one group, and observe the effect of that change on anther variable, usually sales. After the data have been collected, the final step is to analysing, interpreting and presenting these research data. 4. Firstly of all, we would like to say, the main purpose of using condom is to prevent pregnancy, and it is for the sex using. For the business ethic, the condom manufacturers has responsible and duty for the 14-16 years old people, according to the some countries policy that sex under 18 years old is not legal. Therefore; on the business ethic and policy part, the condom manufacturers should take some actions for the teenager user, for example, prohibit sell condom to less than 16 years old people or mention some warning sentences on the condom bag. Furthermore, the condom manufacturers should also attention when they operate in the advertisements.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Design Of Calipers For Post Polio Paralytic Patients Engineering Essay

Design Of Calipers For Post Polio Paralytic Patients Engineering Essay ABSTRACT Over 13 million in India people suffer from various locomotor disabilities, of which 4 million have been afflicted by polio. Polio destroys the nervous system and causes paralysis of the limbs. An orthosis or brace is required to provide support to compensate for the weakened muscles, maintain proper positioning and stability of the affected joints, restore weight-bearing capabilities to the affected legs and allow the patient to walk without the risk of falls and further fractures. The objective of this project is to develop a design for adjustable polio braces, taking into consideration hinge movement at the knee. The current designs of KAFO are made of Stainless Steel, Aluminium, Thermoplastics, Reinforced Carbon fibers etc. While Aluminium is light-weight, it does not provide the required stiffness for the caliper design; Stainless Steel is corrosion resistant and has great yield strength but is heavy. Hence material analysis is done to chose a material with density between that of Aluminium and Stainless Steel, but with high ultimate strength and high fatigue endurance limit. Also the currently available designs do not incorporate flexible movement at the knee thus discomforting the patient during travel etc. The proposed design is done using CAD tools. A pilot prototype is made in PVC and field-tested to determine if adjustments can be easily performed by the patient. Based on feedback from the field-testing, the final model was designed using Titanium scr aps. ABOUT THE COMPANY M/s. AAROPNA PROTESI PRIVATE LTD. is a medical implants surgical instruments manufacturing and trading company. Our choice of this company was based on its expertise in developing biomedical instruments and implants and its association as a subsidiary of its parent company parent M/s. TITANIUM TANTALUM PRODUCTS LTD, which is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company dealing in various Titanium Products for the past 29 years. The objective of the company is to establish the necessary world-class infrastructure for design, develop, manufacture, package, trade market the Orthopaedic, Neurosurgical, Orthodontic, Dental and other similar reconstructive / replacement implants and its surgical instruments in Titanium alloys and other advanced Biomaterial. Aaropna Protesi Private Ltd. deals with designing of medical implants through biomechanical laws and the development, customization and optimization of medical implants and instruments using technology of CAD-CAM Solutions. It trades in world-class imported medical implants, surgical instruments, tools other surgical accessories in India. It has more than two decades of experience in handling Titanium, Tantalum, Zirconium and Niobium through its parent company. INTRODUCTION 1.1 WHAT IS POLIOMYELITIS? Poliomyelitis, often known as polio or infantile paralysis, is an acute viral infectious disease spread from person to person, primarily via the fecal-oral route. [1] In about 1% of cases the virus enters the central nervous system, preferentially infecting and destroying motor neurons, leading to muscle weakness and acute flaccid paralysis. Different types of paralysis may occur, depending on the nerves involved; spinal polio is the most common form, characterized by asymmetric paralysis that most often involves the legs. [2] The term poliomyelitis is used to identify the disease caused by any of the three distinct variations of poliovirus. Two basic patterns of polio infection are described: a minor illness which does not involve the central nervous system (CNS), sometimes called abortive poliomyelitis, and a major illness involving the CNS, which may be paralytic or non-paralytic. [1] In most people with a normal immune system, a poliovirus infection is asymptomatic. The virus enters the central nervous system in about 3% of infections. Most patients with CNS involvement develop non-paralytic aseptic meningitis, with symptoms of headache, neck, back, abdominal and extremity pain, fever, vomiting, lethargy and irritability. [2][3] Approximately 1 in 1000 to 1 in 200 cases progress to paralytic disease, in which the muscles become weak, floppy and poorly controlled, and finally completely paralyzed; this condition is known as acute flaccid paralysis. [4] In many countries, polio or poliomyelitis was for many years the most common cause of physical disability in children.[1] Currently through vaccination programs, Polio has been eliminated in most countries, a size-able percentage of people are still affected by the crippling disease in India, Nepal, Nigeria and Afghanistan. Often the paralysis will gradually disappear, partly or completely. Any paralysis left after 7 months, however is usually permanent and certain secondary problems may develop, especially if precautions are not taken to prevent them. These problems are further disabilities or complications that can appear after, and because of, the original disability. Contracture of joints is one commonly encountered secondary problem. In this there is a shortening of muscles and tendons so that the full range of limb movement is prevented. [5] Fig. 1.1 Typical contractures in polio Other common deformities can cause deformities including over stretched joints and dislocations. Fig. 1.2 Deformities caused by polio 1.2 EVALUATING A PATIENTS NEED FOR AIDS AND PROCEDURES Step1: Observe the patient carefully and notice which parts of the body seem strong, and which seem weak. Differences between one side of the body and the other are identified such as differences in the length or thickness of the legs. Other deformities, unusual gait, tilt to one side, supporting limbs, position of hips, shoulder and curve of back are also observed. These early observations will help you know what parts of the body you most need to check for strength and range of motion. [5] Step2: This is the physical examination. It should usually include: Range-of-motion testing, especially where there might be contractures. Muscle testing, especially of muscles that may be weak. Also test muscles that need to be strong to make up for weak ones (such as arm and shoulder strength for crutch use). Check for deformities: contractures; dislocations (hip, knee, foot, shoulder and elbow); difference in leg length; tilt of hips and curve or abnormal shape of the back. Step3: After the physical exam, again observe how the patient moves or walks. The particular way of moving and walking is related with the physical findings (such as weakness of certain muscles, contractures, and leg length). Step4: Based on observations and tests, a study is done to understand what assistance might help the patient. Different aspects of the aid must be considered such as: benefit, cost, comfort, appearance, availability of materials, and whether the patient is comfortable. Step5: Once the assist device has been decided, the necessary measurements are taken to make the brace or aid. When making it, once again it is wise to put it together temporarily so that adjustments can be made before it is rivet, glue, or nail it into its final form. Step6: Have the patient try the brace or aid for a few days to get used to it and to see how well it works. If there is discomfort or any problems, alternate improvements or necessary adjustments should be made. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF A CALIPER Braces or calipers are aids that help hold legs or other parts of the body in useful positions. They usually serve either one or both of the purposes given below: To provide support, strength/firmness to a weak joint (or joints). To help prevent or correct the deformity. ORTHOTIC DEVICE: An orthosis or orthotic is an orthopedic device that supports or corrects the function of a limb or the torso [6]. An orthopaedic brace or orthotic is an orthopaedic device used to: Control, guide, limit and/or immobilize an extremity, joint or body segment for a particular reason To restrict movement in a given direction To assist movement generally To reduce weight bearing forces for a particular purpose To aid rehabilitation from fractures after the removal of a cast To otherwise correct the shape and/or function of the body, to provide easier movement capability or reduce pain. [6] LOWER LIMB ORTHOSIS: A lower-limb orthotic is an external device that is attached to the lower limb as a whole or limb segment in order to improve its function by providing support, reducing pain through transferring load to another area or correcting flexible deformities. NOMENCLATURE FOR CALIPERS Calipers are named after the joints that they replace the function of. The following are the acronyms used: Ankle Foot Orthosis (A.F.O.) Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (K.A.F.O.) Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (H.K.A.F.O.) ANKLE FOOT ORTHOSIS (A.F.O.s): Ankle foot orthoses are orthotic devices encompassing the  ankle  joint and all (or part) of the  foot. AFOs are externally applied and intended to control position and motion of the ankle, compensate for weakness, or correct deformities. [6]   Fig. 1.3 Ankle Foot Orthosis KNEE ANKLE FOOT ORTHOSIS (K.A.F.O.): A knee-ankle-foot orthosis provides flexion, extension and mediolateral stabilization of the knee; may provide free or locked knee motion, or adjustable range of motion [7]. A knee-ankle-foot orthotic is typically designed to enable patients suffering from weakness or lack of control of the knee joint to walk safely. It is also used as an independent walking device for a walking-impaired person whose lower limb is paralyzed or whose muscle function is lost due to his spinal cord injury, diseases (such as polio), cerebrovascular disorder, external wounds and so forth. It is comprised of a main hinge assembly, an ankle assembly, a foot plate; a lower leg housing member; an upper leg housing member and supporting structure. Fig. 1.4 Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis HIP KNEE ANKLE FOOT ORTHOSIS (H.K.A.F.O) HKAFO is basically a KAFO with addition of hip joint and pelvic section which  provide control to selected hip motions.   The motions included at the hip are front to back, side to side, and rotation. In the HKAFO there is a minimized risk of the hip  moving out of proper position or dislocating. In this type of caliper, the  hip and lower spine is stabilized in cases where the patient is weak or paralyzed. Fig. 1.5 Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis The average weight of stainless steel calipers are given below. Table 1.1 Weight of conventional stainless steel calipers TYPE OF CALIPER WEIGHT (kg) A.F.O. 1.100 K.A.F.O. 1.600 H.K.A.F.O. 2.250 2. LITREATURE SURVEY Literatures on existing Calipers and design In the literature survey, various designs of existing calipers have been proposed. The patients comfort level, flexibility, cost-effectiveness and weight form the most important basis for the design of the caliper. Some of the recently published works are as follows: Table 2.1: Literature Survey SL.NO TITLE AUTHOR TECHNICAL DETAILS CONCLUSIONS/ LIMITATIONS 1. Anatomical Models of Diarthroidal Joints: Rigid Multibody Systems and Deformable Structures JH Heggard Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering- Volume 2, 2003 Mathematical methods to model diarthroidal joints. Modelling of the joints is necessary to be able to understand the difficulty faced in movement by a post-polio paralytic patient. The various forces and stresses acting on the joints were studied in order to understand various basic movements and to help in the design of calipers. 2. Bioengineering Analysis of Force Actions Transmitted by the Knee Joint JK Marrisson Biomedical Engineering, 5: 164-178, 1988 Determining forces acting on the knee joint as the caliper to be designed is a K.A.F.O(Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis) caliper. Forces on knee joint during locomotion 3. Orthopaedic Prosthesis and Joint Implants Shan Fengwang, Lichun L, Michael J. Yaszemski Biomedical Engineering, 2: 1984 Study of Titanium and its properties such as biocompatibility, light weightedness, density, youngs modulus to check for its use in the manufacture of calipers Use of titanium in biomedical applications and how this could be extended to the manufacture of calipers and reduce the discomfort and weight of the same. 2.1 WORKFLOW Start Caliper Classification Similar Products Analysis Commercial Intelligence Material Selection Manufacturing Process Recognition of Tools and Machineries Development Design of Product Modelling Analysis Fabrication of Prototype Model Fabrication of Prototype Model Testing Verification I/P=O/P Stop Root cause analysis for failure Recognition of Caliper and its Application Fig. 2.1 Workflow 3. SELECTON OF MATERIAL For the design of a caliper, a material is chosen based on its physical properties such as tensile strength, elastic modulus, yield stress, etc. The choice of material is based on a comparative analysis of these factors. Ideally, a material should be chosen such that the caliper is: Comfortable Lightweight, yet strong Easy to handle Cost-effective Durable As attractive as possible Easy to manufacture [8] 3.1 MATERIALS CURRENTLY USED FOR PRODUCTION OF CALIPERS: Braces are made from various types of materials-plastic, elastic, metal, or a combination of similar materials.  At present calipers are of two types: Metallic made from Aluminum, Stainless steel Non-metallic- made from polypropylene, reinforced carbon Advantages of metallic calipers over non-metallic calipers: Less expensive to manufacture: Metallic calipers are cheaper to produce because those manufactured using poly-propylene require specialized moulds to shape the polymer. The biggest expense in making plastic braces is the plaster bandage used for casting a mold of the leg. Easier to customize for each patient: As the height and contours of each patient differs, the metal rods are easier to customize than plastic calipers. They are quick and easy to make They are more durable than plastic calipers. If used with sandals or clogs, in hot weather they are cooler than plastic. 3.2 TITANIUM AS AN ALTERNATIVE MATERIAL: 3.2.1 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF TITANIUM Titanium is a chemical element, metallic in nature whose chemical symbol is Ti , atomic number 22 and atomic weight 47.90. Ti is a transition metal silver in color It has the following properties: low density high tensile strength corrosion-resistant There are two allotropic forms and five naturally occurring isotopes of this element, 46Ti through 50Ti, with 48Ti being the most abundant (73.8%). [8] It is the ninth-most abundant element in the Earths crust (0.63% by mass) and the seventh-most abundant metal. [8] Titanium and its alloys possess suitable mechanical properties such as strength, bend strength and fatigue resistance to be used in load-bearing biomedical applications such as orthopaedics and dentistry. Titanium is a reactive metal. In air, water, or arbitrary electrolytes an oxide layer is formed on the surface of the material. This oxide belongs to one of the most resistant compounds in the mineral world. As the oxide layer is a dense film it protects the metal from chemical attack which is of importance in an aggressive biological environment. Within the human body, titanium is inert as the oxide layer which is formed is in contact with the biological tissue, is hardly soluble and in particular no ions are released that could react with other molecules. [9] There are 22 grades of commercially available alloyed and unalloyed titanium. Based on the application, a suitable grade is chosen. 3.2.2 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF STAINLESS STEEL, ALUMINIUM AND TITANIUM Metals used for the purpose of designing calipers are required to have both high static and cycle-dependent properties. Tensile yield and ultimate strength, modulus of elasticity, and fatigue endurance limit are the principal metallic strength attributes that must be determined. Wear resistance is also an important criterion for all biomaterials. Excessive wear can lead to premature mechanical failure of the replacement component. Table 3.1. Comparative study of the physical properties of the different materials PHYSICAL PROPERTIES MATERIALS Stainless steel Aluminium Titanium Density (g ·cmà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢3) 9.0 2.70 4.51 Ultimate strength (MPa) 860 455 900 Yield strength (MPa) 520 400 830 Yield stress (MPa) 210-350 40-50 240-370 Youngs modulus (GPa) 205 70 110-125 Linear coefficient of thermal expansion ( °F-1) 7.810-6 12.910-6. 5.010-6 Density: Density of a material is defined as the concentration of matter as measured by the mass per unit volume. A higher density indicates a higher mass for a particular volume. Titanium has density between stainless steel and aluminium indicating that for the same volume of material, titanium is lighter than stainless steel but heavier than aluminium. Ultimate strength: Ultimate strength, also known as tensile strength, is defined as the maximum stress a material can withstand before necking. Ultimate strength should be desirably, high for a material. Titanium has ultimate strength higher than stainless steel and twice as high as aluminium indicating that it can withstand greater tensile stress i.e. it can withstand more stress before necking. Fig.3.1 Stress-Strain curve Yield Strength: Yield strength is defined as the property of a material to resist deformation. For a good material, the yield strength should be high. The yield strength for titanium is almost twice as high as stainless steel and aluminium indicating that it can withstand more stress without deforming permanently. Yield Stress: Yield stress is defined as the minimum amount of stress which when applied to the body causes permanent deformation. Even if the applied stress is removed at this point, the object does not return to its original dimensions. The yield stress of titanium is almost equal to stainless steel but more than 6 times than that of aluminium. Youngs Modulus: Youngs modulus is the ratio between stress applied and resulting strain. It is used as a measure of change in linear dimensions upon application of tensile stress. If this ratio is large, it indicates that the material can withstand stress better with less deformation. The Youngs Modulus of titanium is higher than aluminium but lesser than that of stainless steel. The modulus is an important concern in the orthopedic application of biomaterials because: Bone has a modulus on the order of 17 GPa. The discrepancy between the modulus of bone and that of the alloys used to support structural loads means that the metallic devices implanted in the body take a disproportionate share of the load applied as stress. According to Wolffs Law, bone adapts to applied stress. Because alloys cause stress shielding one result of the adaptation is that the bone associated with the implant does not become or remain as strong as it would in the absence of an implant. [12] Linear Coefficient of Expansion: Linear coefficient of expansion is defined as the increase in length per degree rise in temperature. If a metal is alternately subjected to heating and cooling cycles, it should maintain a certain tolerance of dimensions i.e. a low coefficient of thermal expansion is desirable. The linear coefficient of expansion of titanium is much lesser than both stainless steel and aluminium indicating that the change in the dimensions of the object with change in temperature is less, which is desirable. 3.2.3 GRADES OF TITANIUM There are 22 grades of commercially available alloyed and unalloyed titanium. [10] Referenced standards: ASTM- American Standards for Testing Materials This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 338 as revised on November 2003. [15] ASTM Specification for commercially pure titanium: F-67 Table 3.2 Grades of titanium GRADE COMPOSITION Grade 1 Unalloyed titanium Grade 2 Unalloyed titanium Grade 3 Unalloyed titanium Grade 7 Unalloyed titanium plus 0.12 to 0.25 % palladium Grade 9 Titanium alloy (3 % aluminum, 2.5 % vanadium) Grade 11 Unalloyed titanium plus 0.12 to 0.25 % palladium Grade 12 Titanium alloy (0.3 % molybdenum, 0.8 % nickel) Grade 13 Titanium alloy (0.5 % nickel, 0.05 % ruthenium) Grade 14 Titanium alloy (0.5 % nickel, 0.05 % ruthenium) Grade 15 Titanium alloy (0.5 % nickel, 0.05 % ruthenium) Grade 16 Unalloyed titanium plus 0.04 to 0.08 % palladium Grade 17 Unalloyed titanium plus 0.04 to 0.08 % palladium Grade 18 Titanium alloy (3 % aluminum, 2.5 % vanadium) plus 0.04 to 0.08 % palladium Grade 26 Unalloyed titanium plus 0.08 to 0.14 % ruthenium Grade 27 Unalloyed titanium plus 0.08 to 0.14 % ruthenium Grade 28 Titanium alloy (3 % aluminum, 2.5 % vanadium) plus 0.08 to 0.14 % ruthenium Grade 30 Titanium alloy (0.3 % cobalt, 0.05 % palladium) Grade 31 Titanium alloy (0.3 % cobalt, 0.05 % palladium) Grade 33 Titanium alloy (0.4 % nickel, 0.015 % palladium, 0.025 % ruthenium, 0.15 % chromium) Grade 34 Titanium alloy (0.4 % nickel, 0.015 % palladium, 0.025 % ruthenium, 0.15 % chromium) Grade 35 Titanium alloy (4.5 % aluminum, 2 % molybdenum, 1.6 % vanadium, 0.5 % iron, 0.3 % silicon) Grade 36 Titanium alloy (45 % niobium) From the comparative study, the following conclusions were drawn: The yield stress, yield strength and ultimate strength are much higher for titanium. Hence it serves as a suitable material for calipers as it has to withstand the stress applied by the body weight and external forces. Lower stiffness of titanium with respect to stainless steel reduces the severity of stress-shielding. The density of titanium is lesser than stainless steel; therefore the calipers would be much lighter than those made of stainless steel, almost by half. As linear coefficient of thermal expansion is lesser for titanium, the caliper dimensions would not change much with change in temperature. Titanium is more corrosion resistant than stainless steel. Stainless steel relies on chromium to render it passive to corrosion. Titanium however develops passivity on its own from the stable oxide film that forms on its surface. Unalloyed titanium grade 2 has higher ductility and is hence, cast, formed, joined, and machined with relative ease as compared to the alloyed grades.   4. DESIGN OF CALIPER 4.1 DESIGN OF EXISTING CALIPERS 4.2 DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED DESIGN Software that was used for the development of caliper design: Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009. 4.2.1 ABOUT AUTODESK INVENTOR PROFESSIONAL 2009 Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009 helps you design, visualize and stimulate the end product desired digitally. It not only includes the 3D mechanical design and CAD productivity, but also the essential tooling of various parts of the end product required such as plastic, that lends itself to manufacturing, and also facilitating in validation of the product digitally, sparing the need to test with physical prototypes.    With the integration of motion simulation and stress analysis tools in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009, marketing a product becomes a much easier. Effective prediction on how the product will work in real-time conditions can be done and also automation of important aspects of the design such as the injection molds for plastic parts help greatly in minimizing errors to a good extent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An intuitive design environment of Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009 helps in the development of initial sketches and models of different parts. Also, this software helps by automating the basic geometrical sketches to actual prototypes making using of materials such as plastic, steel frames, tubes etc. This therefore reduces the geometry burden and the time required to make necessary changes and bring about innovation in the product, thereby reducing the time it takes to reach the market. Validation, in earlier times, was a very time consuming and expensive process involving skilled specialists but Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009 has made the entire process very simple and simulation expertise is not required now. Simulation and optimization of designs digitally has become very easy due to this software. Simple user interface helps in part by part design and integration. Stress analysis can also be performed to evaluate areas of stress concentration and hence helps in distribution of the same by slight design modifications. Improved Design: Auto Desk Inventor 2009 supports all major drawing formats like DWG and some of the improved features compared to its previous versions include: Design views in high speed Saves a lot of time. Viewing of drawings and annotation takes very less time when compared to the previous versions. Betterment in error handling High level of intelligence to give suggestions regarding geometrical issues. Faster startup time Launch time is much faster when compared to previous versions. Part by part design view Immediate definition and change in any part including dimensions and coloring and suitable assembly instantly. New Standards for 3D Modeling Ease of Use Autodesk Inventor 2009 helps focusing on the problem rather than trying to gain expertise over using the software as such, owing to its advanced user interface and features, making complex dialog boxes redundant. Inventor Fusion Simple tools to explore new shapes and easy on the spot modification of model from any source. Improved design feature creation Better control over the geometry of the design with productivity uncompromised. Assembly design features [20] Assembly Snap tool Interference analysis and contact detection Assembly configurations Large assembly performance Frame Generator Weldments Content Center Design Doctor Direct manipulation It is an important feature of Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009 which helps in uninterrupted design workflow. Being able to control all the commands exactly at the point needed gives more room for free sketching, quicker assembly and better accuracy. Sustainable Design Material selection can now be done considering environmental effects and cost effectiveness. Using Autodesk, it is now possible to access environmental information on materials required for fabrication and make prudent decisions based on careful analysis. 4.2.2 ENGINEERING DRAWINGS OF THE CALIPER During the modeling, different parameters were measured which included Diameter of the mid- thigh Diameter of distal end of the thigh Distance between mid- thigh and distal end of the thigh Diameter of proximal end of the calf Distance between distal end of the thigh and proximal end of the calf Diameter of the distal end of the calf Distance between proximal and distal end of the calf Diameter of ankle Length of the foot Breadth of the toes Breadth of mid-foot Based on these parameters, the design of the calipers was developed using Autodesk Professional Inventor 2009 The drawing was modeled in parts and later assembled into the complete caliper as shown in the drawings. All dimensions are in mm Fig 4.1 Engineering drawing of KAFO All dimensions are in mm Fig 4.2 Engineering drawing of upper leg supporting structure (thigh) All dimensions are in mmFig 4.3 Engineering drawing of lower leg supporting structure (Calf) All dimensions are in mm Fig.4.4 Engineering drawing of the ankle and foot supporting structure All dimensions are in mm Fig 4.5 Engineering drawing of Ti-Strip1 All dimensions are in mm Fig 4.6 Engineering drawing of Ti-Strip 2 All dimensions are in mm Fig 4.7 Engineering drawing of Ti-Bend Strip Fig 4.8 Engineering drawing of the Male Clamp Fig 4.9 Engineering Drawing of Female Clamp Hence, by using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009, the design for a caliper was developed. The different parts of the caliper were developed individually and later assembled to form a complete model. These diagrams are used as a basis for the development of the prototype. The major changes that were incorporated in the design were at the knee joint: Male and Female Clamp were used to replicate the hinge joint at the knee. In order to assist in easy bending of the caliper while sitting, a rivet was introduced which when unscrewed, will faclitate flexion at the knee. This is primarily useful while sitting and travelling as the caliper need not be completely removed. 5. DEVELOPMENT OF PROTOTYPE The development of prototype was conducted in essentially three steps: Development of PVC prototype Identification of problems and corresponding corrections made Development of titanium protoype 5.1 MANUFACTURING PROCESS There are five major steps in manufacturing the Polyvinylchloride prototype. They have been listed and enumerated below: Marking This is the foremost step in manufacturing. It is also known as Material Planning. Knowing the required dimensions is a prerequisite. Once the dimensions for every part of

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Newspaper as a Learning Tool -- Education Teaching

Newspapers have a long history of being regarded as a useful educational tool, and their use in a classroom setting dates back further than most might expect. Take, for instance, this quotation: "Much has been said and written on the utility of newspapers; but one principal advantage which might be derived from these publication has been neglected; we mean that of reading them in schools, and by the children in families?newspapers are plenty and cheap ? the cheapest book that can be bought, and the more you buy the better for your children, because every part furnishes some new and valuable information! (Cowen 1)" Although this statement reads like an educator or newspaper publisher of today might have said it, it comes from an article printed in the EasternHerald, June 8, 1795, in the state of Massachusetts. Exemplifying the fact that newspapers have long been viewed as informational tools, this statement also speaks to the tenure of newspapers as an institution. Actual recorded uses of newspapers in the classroom are dated in the 1890s, and in 1911, "The Volume Library" gave great attention to the value of teaching with newspapers. There are many events throughout the twentieth century that also helped develop the prevalent use of newspapers we see in classrooms today. The outbreak of World War II lead to a greater number of students reading the newspaper, both for informational and instructional purposes. In 1929, Richard S. Kimball published a book titled Current Events Instruction. This book was widely accepted by educators of the time, and because it contained suggestions for incorporating current events in the classroom, also became used extensively. Part of Kimball?s instruction for students becoming strong citize... ...A Manual for Teachers and Newspapermen on the Use of Newspapers in the Classroom. New York: American Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation, 1967. Brody, Jeffrey H. and Robert G. Picard. The Newspaper Publishing Industry. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997. Cowen, Marlene Stone. "History of the Newspaper in Education Program." American Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation. ERIC Digest, Washington DC. 1978. DeRoche, Edward F. The Newspaper: A Reference Book for Teachers and Librarians. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Inc., 1991. Newspapers In Education. Partnerships in Education, The Buffalo News. 13 Nov. 1998. . Shipley, Barbara. "Integrating Mass Media Instruction: ?Connecting? NIE and TV Programs for the 21st Century." Annual Conference on Newspapers in Education and Literacy. ERIC Digest, Florida. 15-17 May 1991.

Friday, October 11, 2019

“Gold Miss”: Single successful women in work force in Korea

Two articles that were discussed in class touched on married women in the work force in Korea, Taiwan and Japan. All of these articles examine the changes in married women’s employment that industrialized society face. Higher participation of married women’s employment compared to the past can be explained by higher labor supply and demand caused by industrialization, social structures, changes in women’s role in family, and higher women’s education. These changes not only affect married women but also single women in Asia. I would like to go delve more into and also go beyond the readings and look more into the single women in general, with specific focus on Korea. Particularly, events regarding women at work has led to the rise of the â€Å"gold miss† in Korean culture recently has created significant cultural shifts in the way the largely Confucian society views women and how these women do business. Korean Culture Korea is home to a deeply Confucian society. Under such a system, women are relegated to a lower position, wherein they have to follow the wishes and dictates of the head of the family: the father, then the husband and then the grown sons. There are strict dictates that has crossed over to national laws on succession. Korean norms have been blamed for the lack of opportunities for women (August and Tuten, 2003, p. 118). Women traditionally stay at home after marriage to take care of family. Children usually live with their parents until they are married and the eldest son is left to care of the aging parents. Women in the Workforce In their study, Rachel August and Tracy Tuten laments that only 48% of women participate in the Korean workforce. The country's labor market is highly-segregated with jobs that are meant only for men exclusively. Korean men also have a virtual monopoly on managerial and executive level jobs, where only 7% are held by women (August and Tuten, 2003, p. 109). In contrast, women in the United Kingdom have a 66% participation in the labor force, while 33% of employed women hold managerial and executive level jobs (August and Tuten, 2003, p. 109). The pay between men and women is different too, with women getting only 60% of what their male counterparts get (Yoo, 2003, p. 367). Most Korean women had to fight a patriarchal society where in everyone — from employers policymakers, and even fellow employees — prefer males over females. As such, they get jobs that pay less (Brinton, et. al. , 1995, p. 1101) The dismal situation of women is due to the fact that workplaces in Korea lack protection like laws against gender discrimination, harassment and other similar laws. Korean women are also facing challenges in terms of getting their education that would have equipped them with the skills and knowledge needed for higher level positions (August and Tuten, 2003, p. 17). This has changed in recent years, however. With the advent of industrialization in Korea, more and more women had married later and the fertility rate fell. Korean women had more time to participate in the activities of the labor market. Korean women also gained more education, and consequently more work experience, which in turn makes them more attractive to employers (Brinton, et. al. , 1995, p. 1100) Married Korean women are less likely to be involved in formal employment, as many companies also encourage women employees to resign after marriage (Yoo, 2003, p. 384). Shift in Korean Culture The increases in the number of working married women and single woman households both represent a significant departure from the traditional Korean family structure. Women are now choosing to keep their jobs even after marriage and many grown-up children are moving out of the family home to live alone and choosing to postpone marriage. More and more women are also getting higher education compared to women in the 70s and 80s. These grown-up daughters that have successful careers postpone marriage and enjoy their single-blessedness and economic independence. In the past in Korea, marriage used to be only institution frame work for women to secure stability in their lives. But now that social conditions have changed greatly and women exert more power in economic activities women are increasingly taking charge of their lives. Thus, in recent years, more and more women are staying single, earning more, and fighting societal pressures that dictate when they should settle down. They have been termed gold misses, a play of words and a corruption of â€Å"Old Miss†. Gold misses are highly successful single women who are way above the traditional marrying age of the late twenties and early thirties. According to the Chosun Ilbo, an English language Korean newspaper, the typical gold miss has a college degree, a professional job that pays at least KRW40 million (around US$43,000) annually. A gold miss go for sophistication both in looks and image (Gold Miss Among†¦ , 2007, para. 2). More than changing their looks and living upwardly in society, gold misses are changing Korean society. Whereas before, women above thirty are frowned upon as spinsters who failed to catch a husband, with all the attendant stereotypes against it. Now gold misses are seen to enjoy their independence — both personal and economic (Gold Miss Among†¦ , 2007, para. 1). They are also breaking through stereotypes that unmarried women in their mid-thirties have something wrong with them, or have been through a difficult experience, or just plain stubborn. These are women who do not rely on a husband to keep them alive, and they are enjoying it. For Ham In-hee, a sociologist at Ewha Women's University marriage for a gold miss is a choice, instead of a desperate and only means to be stable. Ham relates that women â€Å"who are financially capable,† have a tendency to marry late (Chosun Ilbo, 2007, para. 3). The view is shared by Lee Woong-jin, chief executive officer of a dating company. Ms. Lee says that gold misses think they can continue living alone because they earn enough to support themselves (Gold Miss Among†¦ , 2007, para. 2). Other changes are evident. Gold misses are known to be ‘fashionistas', and have influenced trends in Korean fashion and food (Kang, 2008, para. ). Gold misses, though a relatively new development in the conservative Korean culture, are increasing. Kang In-sun, writing for the Chosun Ilbo, reports on data released by the Korea Employment Information Service that says that there were 27,233 gold misses in 2006, an increase of almost twelve-fold from around 2,000 just five years before. The report also says that gold misses are now found in a growing range of industries and profession, securing top jobs in private institutions, filmmaking, theater, writing, broadcasting, medicine, design and management, among others (Kang, 2008, para. ). The number will rise, as 68% of women in their twenties and thirties surveyed indicated that they would like to remain single (Kang, 2008, para. 5). Meanwhile, an overwhelming 90% of girls aged 10 think that marriage is a choice, instead of a must (Kang, 2007, para. 7). The prevalence and impact of gold misses is so widespread that Korean marketers have taken note of them, and have even come up with spin-off labels like â€Å"silver miss† or single women in their 30s who are earning less than KRW30 million, and â€Å"platinum miss† or women who earn more than KRW100 million annually (Kim, 2008, para. ). As more women become more economically active and more financially-independent these days and as views on marriage have changed dramatically, these single professional women, in their thirties and forties without pressure to get married, enjoy the feeling of accomplishment at work and gain more free time for themselves, rather than doing housework and caring for children as housewives do. Having no husbands and children also increases their autonomy on spending. Gold misses are willing to and can spend on anything they want, especially on their self-development, looks, health, skills and on leisure, their changes in lifestyle and spending start to have impact on various industries such as tourism, fashion, art and music business, interior design such as kitchen appliances, and matchmaking business. As a result, the purchasing power of singles makes them an important consumer group. Kim Ji-soo, a culture editor at the Korea Times, writes that while Korean women had been slow to change in a â€Å"strongly Confucian† society, they are now taking on more and new challenges and working in professions that used to be male domain. The causes for the rise of the gold miss are varied, and touches a spectrum of economic and social factors including (but not limited to) higher labor supply and demand caused by industrialization, changes in women’s role in family, higher women’s education, and increase in voices advocating gender equality and equal opportunities at work, among other things. The Korea Times, however, proposes another cause. Bae Ji-sook relates that the cost of marriage, including childrearing, housing and education, could be the main reason why a progressively increasing number of women are opting to stay single. With the shift in Korean thinking with regards to the convention of women getting married in their late twenties or early thirties, there is less pressure to get married and risk acquiring these costs (Bae, 2008, para. 6-8). In fact, a recent survey found that 22% of Korean singles found marriage costs too prohibitive and cited that as one of the reasons not to get married. Other reasons were the prevalence of divorce, and the idea of enjoying the single life. Almost a quarter said that they haven't found the right one yet. The survey had 1,826 respondents, 70% of them were women (Kang, 2007, paras. 1-4). Traditional values of family and harmony influenced by Confucian philosophy are disappearing, new values of individualism and independence are new inflow, and women are reacting to this change by choosing to work and marry late. On to of these changes in social values, higher cost of marriage and raising children causes further departure from traditional roles for single women. Additionally, women’s success in their career will continue to emerge as a valuable consumer group in the future. With such changes in conventional idea, their economic and social power, and consumer market towards them, they seem to have less reason to get married and the increase the number of unmarried women in their thirties and forties is likely to continue. * * * The rise of the gold misses can thus be seen as a natural consequence of the Korean woman’s progress in the country’s labor market. It is an evolution that took years to unravel. With the change in Korea’s business climate and labor environment, women became introduced into its labor force, an event which led to further changes down the road and created a cyclical cause and effect. As women became more active in their participation in the country’s labor force, the more opportunities opened for them to further their education and chalk up their work experience, which in turn made them more attractive to employers and opened the doors to more jobs. The pressures of society and culture, however, remained. In time, Korean women learned that having their best interests in mind and following the norms do not necessarily go together, and thus the evolution comes to its current form: the gold misses. Combined with this realization are the changes in the country’s norms and governance that allowed for more gender equality. It can be argued then that gold misses are the daughters who are reaping the benefits that have been set up for them by women of the past. They are also blessed to be working at a time when Korean society and culture had eased and changed. But as mothers can differ from their daughters in a lot of ways, so does today’s gold misses and the traditional married working women. Married working women of the past were at most followers of society’s dictated norms of how they should act and when they should act, and at the very least, they were constrained by their culture. Career women felt the urge to get married at an age that is largely dictated by society, at a time when they should have been at their peak, professionally speaking. These women may be doing the deals in the corporate boardroom, but they come home to cook for their husbands and care for their children. Gold misses eschewed that role, and by ignoring societal dictates, they have become progenitors of a new culture. By refusing to be tied down, they have gathered enough power to create a unique culture that soon became more and more mainstream. They became a force to be considered, if only for their collective purchasing power. Without responsibilities to take care of a family, they have the luxury of thinking only for themselves. Instead of being dictated by culture, gold misses have turned the tables and are now dictating what the culture should be. More and more gold misses are stepping into roles that women of the past have not even dreamed of. The arena for male-dominated fields is shrinking as more women are invading the work force. Whereas traditional married working women were contented in defining their value by the men in the lives, and anchoring their stability on their marriage, gold misses are challenging the patriarchal traditions and Confucian hierarchies. Women in the workplace are also changing the business culture away from â€Å"alcohol-inspired karaoke fests† into something more transparent and above-board. These women are also discouraging blind loyalty towards superiors (Asiaweek, 2001, paras. 3-4). Stability is no longer anchored to the thickness of their husbands’ wallets, but their own. Culture and society are two very dynamic forces, and they affect one another. While it is evidently a much better time to be a single work woman in Korea nowadays more than ever, there is still a long way to go to achieve more independence from and equality with men. The gold miss phenomenon is a clear indicator, though, that women in Korea are on the right track.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Circuit City Essay

1). Which of the three approaches to accounting for extended warranty and service contracts is most consistent with the actual substance of a sales transaction involving equipment and an extended warranty contract? Approach number one, the Full revenue recognition is the most consistent due to the reasons which are demonstrated on exhibit two according to the Financial Accounting concept No.5. As stated in this exhibit, Revenues must be both realized and earned prior to the recognition. In this case, after selling the goods and services Circuit city at that point of sale both revenue and earnings have been realized because goods have exchanged hands. At this point of time, even though the cost services haven’t been used, there is a clear agreement and assurance that the necessary services will be rendered during the period of the warranty Further in exhibit 2 it states four key components which justifies that the Full Revenue Approach is the best match of the sale of product a nd extended warranty because at the time of sale an entity will be considered to have substantially completed the earning process if: 1). It incurs the selling cost 2). It has established service network, which is there for the most part to provide the customers with the service associated with the manufacturer’s warranty. 3). Relatively few customers call for service during the extended period 4). Estimates can be made with relative certainty as to future costs to be incurred under the extended warranty. Under these facts, Circuit city had met all the qualifications to report their revenues as they did. The system was in place and the reporting of revenues didn’t seem to have any discrepancies. The information users (Share holders) seem to be happy with the results. Concurrently the profitability of the company as a whole appears to be fully maximized. 2).Why is this revenue reporting strategy is an issue to Circuit stores Inc? There is couple of reasons why senior vice president Michael Chalifoux is concerned: 1). He is concerned because if the proposed accounting reporting method goes to effect, there will be a delay on full rec ognition of revenue and income until the exhaustion of the warranty which will result lower income reported. Lower revenue reports do not reflect well on businesses especially when they had previously shown signs of growth. The reasons might be understood internally, but not externally. 2). Vice president is also concerned about the negative impact  on shareholder’s equity which would be significant in the merchandising industry. By showing low revenue earnings, some of the big companies who act as suppliers might be hesitant to do business with Circuit City because the chain might not be able to move their product as fast they anticipated. Such a change will cause a major loss of revenue which might cause the chain to gout of business. 3). If the company starts to show low income earnings, that change might cause second thought for the investors. Such suspicions cause investors not to invest in the business with confidence. Such a shift drives the stock market prices which may force the company to sell its shares at a lower cost. 3). What would be the effects on Circuit City stores financial statements if FASB requires them to change accounting for extended warranty and product maintenance contracts? 1). There will be definitely a change on reported revenue which is going to be lower that if the company had continued to report as previously. The change might cause a shake up within the company accounting department and the share holders, however it is my strong feeling that things will level out eventually. Even though sometimes change is difficult, Michael Chalifoux needs to have a very clear communication with the shareholders and the internal associates so they know what impact will the change bring. 4).What would Michael Chalifoux do? If the strategies of reporting are in place and there is no bleach of financial reporting in any way, shape or form, Michael does not have to change and adopt the new proposed reporting strategy. On the other side, if Circuit city is under the direction of FASB as a business entity, it is subject to the rules and regulations thereof. If it comes down to that FASB requires the reporting system to be changes, the vice president should do as proposed. In the long run it will be beneficial for the company public image. If the company goes to approach #2 which is full deferral of revenue, it will take couple years and things will level back again.

Plato’s “The allegory of the Cave” Essay

Plato’s â€Å"The allegory of the Cave† addresses so many different areas of philosophy including, epistemology, metaphysics, asceticism, ethics, etc. In his allegory it is important to seek what Plato is trying to accomplish through locating his rhetorical devices, his tone, his position and arguments, in order to develop meaning to his allegory. Plato’s philosophies include education, interaction, individuality, and human nature to make his statement of what the correct path to â€Å"enlightenment† should be, being expressed through symbolism, imagery, themes, and metaphors to convey his message. Plato’s allegory however is actually represents an extended metaphor that is to contrast the way in which we perceive and believe in what is reality. â€Å"The allegory of the Cave† plays multiple roles, all depending how we interpret it, either being used as a metaphor for the process of intellectual understandings on the quest for sense and knowledge, or a way to portray parts of his political philosophy, involving the correct the path to â€Å"the good† and ‘reality’. Plato’s allegory of the cave is a parable to understand the process of how a person becomes enlightened; including the positives and negatives influences it can have on a person in their natural environment, in other words our responses and reaction to being freed from their chains and being forced to experience life outside the cave. Plato’s allegory of the cave presupposes a group of prisoners who have lived chained and uneducated in a cave â€Å"since childhood†. To the back of the prisoners, people cast the shadows on the wall in which the prisoners perceive as reality, questioning â€Å"is it reasonable for the prisoners to†¦In every way believe that the truth is nothing other than the shadows of these artifacts† Although if one were â€Å"released from their bonds and cured of their ignorance† the prisoner would now be confused as to what is real. The thesis behind is the basic tenets that all we perceive are imperfect â€Å"reflections, which subsequently represent truth and reality. This is an important development to the story because it shows us that what we perceive as real from birth is completely false based on our imperfect interpretations of reality and goodness. The importance of the allegory lies in the belief that there are invisible truths lying under the appare nt surface, which can only be obtained through being enlightened, being  Ã¢â‚¬Å"dragged† out of the darkness and seeing the light. Plato’s allegory of the cave shows that society is in a state of ignorance. Though they might be bounded in one position, they accept that it is their natural ‘place in society’. However when one is exposed to the ‘dazzling light’ they begin to see truth through a long, tortuous intellectual journey, discovering a higher realm, true reality and having awareness of goodness. A person who has gained such insight, according to Plato is best equipped to govern in society, having knowledge what is ultimately good, however, will frequently be misunderstood by ‘the other prisoners’ who haven’t obtained intellectual insights. Plato remains convinced that the best rulers, the philosopher-kings, are suited not only because of their education, experience, and wisdom, but also because they would prefer not to rule. More emphatically, nonetheless Plato finds that because of their enlightened minds, the philosopher-king has a duty to rule that t ranscends their personal preference for anonymity. Plato’s ideal society contains the correct functions of politics and motive. He argues that the philosophers, or individuals who have acquired knowledge of virtue and truth, should lead society. Another example is that in his allegory there are malicious individuals who stand in front of a fire as to be able to create shadows which the prisoners perceive as incorrectly reality. They are both aware of a slightly higher level of truth and capable of manipulation of average people’s perception but still unaware of the nature of the forms and of the form of the good. Philosophers should be the ones to lead rather than those who simply have the ability to manipulate the masses. This is because the philosopher is knowledgeable about the forms of the virtues and the good and is more likely to apply them to society. ‘The allegory of the Cave’ is a theory, concerning human perception that can be altered by what is seen and hidden. Plato claimed that knowledge gained through the senses is no more than opinion and in order to have real knowledge, we must gain it through philosophical reasoning. In ‘the allegory of the Cave’, Plato distinguishes between people who mistake sensory knowledge for the truth and compare them to people who actually see. Plato’s allegory revolves around truth and the reflection of truth, as devastating  criticism of our everyday lives as being in bondage to superficialities, to shadows rather than to substance. Both the leaders and the public are ignorant and corrupt, without true knowledge of themselves or the world, motivated by self-gratification. They are chained in slavery to ignorance and passions, to mob hysteria for or against fleeting issues, believing in the illusions, the shadows. We live in a time of loss of meaning, of crumbling values of truth and morality, of corruption in political life and decline in personal integrity. This is our despair. But there is a hope with Plato’s allegory, the hope of ascending to truth and values, even though we might be shunned, we have a grasp of the light.