Friday, December 27, 2019

Moreover, The Excepted Institutional Racism Devastatingly

Moreover, the excepted institutional racism devastatingly affects Latin Americans. Even throughout the past century, racial profiling ruthlessly affected Latin American: â€Å"During the period 1929-1937, some 458,000 Mexicans were arrested and expelled from the United States without due process, including many legal resident aliens and their U.S. citizen children. By 1940, only 377,000 Mexican immigrants were left in the country. Those who remained were pushed to the margins of society, segregated into dilapidated barrios where they attended segregated schools and received inferior services. In these enclaves, Mexicans were transferred from aspiring immigrants into a self-conscious domestic minority.† (Massey) It is undeniably apparent that†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, Arizona SB 1070 is a bill signed on April 23, 2010, that requires officers to demand papers proving citizenship or immigration status from people they stop based on â€Å"reasonable suspicion† that they are illegally in Arizona (â€Å"Frequently†). This legislation clearly allows a person to use racism to justify a crime due to their race, violating basic human rights. After the passing of SB 1070, many families felt obligated to move, causing â€Å"upheaval that impacted young people’s academic performance, personal health, and emotional stability† (Lopes 7). Similarly, a counselor at a school in Arizona typically saw 40 to 60 students; however, in the 2012-2011 school year, after the passing of the bill, she worked with around 120 students (Lopes 14). It is evident that the bill mentally ravaged the students in school during this time, causing even young children to panic over issu es that should not concern them yet. Additionally, a United States citizen named Yesenia was finishing her freshman year at Arizona State University for journalism, when her parents held visas without work authorizations; after the passing of the SB 1070, she decided to drop out of college to support her family during this time of immense struggle (Lopes 12). A young girl who could have contributed immensely to the journalism world is no longer able to provide her contribution of skilled communication towards a multicultural perspective. Due to profiling, she can no

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Obtaining and Keeping Customers Essay - 654 Words

In order for a company to succeed and gain profit in a business, they must obtain and keep customers. Without customers, a company is obviously unprofitable which results in being unsuccessful. The first step is to convert first time visitors into a returning customer. Secondly, a company has to find a way to maintain these customers as loyal customers. These steps are considered customer service. There are many new aspects of customer service now that so many businesses have gone to the internet. To convert first time visitors into returning customers is a very vital step to business. Visitors may return for a number of reasons but it is up effective marketing to improve these chances and turn them into customers and ultimately loyal†¦show more content†¦So to make visitors feel this type of service before they become a customer takes careful planning and approach. It is important to remember that the visitor is the main focus here. A company has to think as a potential customer would think and make information easy to understand and access. If a company is selling a product or service the first focus should be on that item. Often it is price or why that product is better. Save other information which a visitor is not interested for other pages. Figure out what most visitors are looking for and focus on that first. Then find ways to keep that visitor on the site as well as return to it as a loyal customer. (Gilis, 2009)Getting a visitor to register for something pert aining to the company is a good start to keep that company fresh in mind. Again, to keep customers and turn them to loyal customers, customer service is the key. There are several ways to keep in touch with your customers and keep them coming back for more. Keep in touch with customers via email, postal mail and even follow up with a phone call. When dealing with the internet, which is so impersonal, it is often a great touch to add personal contact via phone or even an email that is not an automated response. Also a great feature is a customer service chat feature. This is a nice quality to have so a customer does not have to wait for aShow MoreRelatedRecommendation : Risks Of Control Expenses899 Words   |  4 PagesGinsburg, 2009). The importance of obtaining the necessary level of care in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle without spending out-of-pocket dollars is beneficial to recognize. Services offered under health plans at no or low cost offer the consumer no excuse to circumvent care that contributes to keeping them well. Receiving preventa tive screenings can catch early onset conditions and diseases. Obtaining recommended vaccinations regular can assist in keeping individuals well, and avoids expensiveRead MoreChick-Fil-a Marketing Video Summary774 Words   |  4 Pagesimplementing strategy. 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This workshop focuses on the need to educate the customer in the proper coffeemaking techniques. Store managers teach the classes. These classes are designed to teach the employees to make decisions that will enhance customer satisfaction without requiring manager authorization.* Another way that Starbucks ensures that its employees are content is by offering a stock option plan calledRead MoreThe Key Factors Of The Aol Success When Compared With Its Competitors850 Words   |  4 Pagescompared with its competitors: †¢ AOL provided a wide range of interactive, information services to meet the varied needs of its customers, which included real time conferences, emails, live chats, and bulletin boards, online educational services, interactive shopping services to name a few. †¢ When compared with its competitors, AOL’s pricing structure was the easiest for customers to understand and enabled them to anticipate their spending. 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If an employee feels important to the company, they will act accordingly with customers.    The fourth recommendation is to incorporate ethical principles for employees to follow. A code of conduct would create a central guide and reference for day-to-day decision making. It will also clarifyRead MoreWages of Failu re1272 Words   |  6 Pageschanging the companies pay policy to pay the CEO based on performance would increase stakeholder faith in the corporation. By being paid based on merit rather than by a market based industry standard would hopefully prove to the stakeholders including customers, employees, stockholders, and the public that she too was willing to take a loss if the company did not perform to expectations while under her control. While this seemed an admirable gesture, it raised many new questions for the board about exactly

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Genetics vursus Nurture Essay Example For Students

Genetics vursus Nurture Essay Bad Parents Make for Bad Children Genetics is not the only valid excuse for a childs misbehaviour. Society prides itself in the way a child is raised by parents. Children misbehave because something vital is missing in ones nurturing. These mothers and fathers allow young children to stray from moral equity, challenge authority and use violence as a resolution for anger. Nurturing should include deterrence from wickedness and inducement of morality all the while considering the childs perspective. Laurie the main protagonist of the play Charles by Shirley Jackson is a testament to this fact of misbehavior as Lauries parents fail to stop Lauries wicked deeds while being ignorant of the five year olds point of view. When a child does something wrong it is the parents responsibility to discourage repetition of bad conduct and encourage understanding that the action committed was wrong. Parental guidance is necessary for a childs survival because a it is born into the world knowing nothing, and thus, adapts to the worlds surroundings with the help of these leaders. Lauries mother shows this quality by correcting Lauries grammatical error as seen here, I didnt learn nothing, Laurie said. / Anything, his mother said. Didnt learn anything (107). However, telling a child what is wrong is not enough. A young person needs an explanation for the mistakes that he/she makes and must be given a reason not to repeat it. Otherwise, a child is prone to believe one can do anything one wants. The play Charles is based upon Lauries lie to his parents of there being a boy named Charles at school who misbehaves when in reality Charles is Laurie. This is revealed as Laurie comes home and his mother explains, Laurie thought and then said it was Charles who was bad today (107) . . . / but later I learned from the teacher that there was no Charles in kindergarten (111). Lauries parents, believing that Charles is the culprit of mischief throughout the story, overlook Lauries misbehaviour. Granted, his parents did not know that Charles is Laurie, but knowing what Charles did the adults made no effort to console Laurie about the matter. Instead of explaining to Laurie that Charles did something wrong his mother and father assume he understands the situation. The plot of Charles actions is more important to the parents who ask, What did he Charles do? (107 108) than making sure Laurie understands the problem with what Charles did. As a result Laurie discovers that running from problems is easier than learning the consequences of the action done. Thus, his parents fail to teach Laurie that he did something wrong and why it is wrong, so his continually bad behavior is a result of bad parenting. Failure to deter bad behaviour leads a child to challenge authority. Laurie demonstrates his parents loose handling of discipline by being cheeky and rude. In the following passage this neglect to enforce respect is apparent, and so, the child runs from the problem, I Lauries mother asked again but Laurie slid off his chair, took a cookie, and left, while his father was still saying, See here, young man (107). Society believes that an offspring should honour his/her parents. A child is supposed to listen to a parent and answer his/her role models questions. No one taught Laurie this is wrong; he continues to show disrespect because his parents did not emphasize to him this is wrong. In the same way, a child will use violence as a method of ridding frustration unless a parent intercedes and explains the danger of this action. Violence is a natural instinct that must be controlled. Role models exist to teach a growing individual that enacting this instinct is wrong. Lauries guardians fall short in making him realize this as he grins, Today Charles hit the teacher (107). .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e , .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .postImageUrl , .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e , .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e:hover , .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e:visited , .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e:active { border:0!important; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e:active , .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u426834d7589a7896309eb6d5ac46427e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: †Dandelion Wine† by Ray Bradbury Sample Essay Since as mentioned before Laurie is really Charles, it was Laurie who hit the teacher. He hits the teacher because the teacher tries to make him do something he does not want to do and his response is to fight back. As a result the child is doomed to repeat this misconduct. This is shown as Lauries teacher reports his naughtiness .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Unilever Vs Nestle free essay sample

Today we live in a global economy in which the time taken for people to move between continents has been significantly reduced and in which Internet and other connections make instant connections possible. Businesses and organisations now have to recognise that they now operate in a global market place and to develop appropriate strategies. A global strategy is an organisational plan that takes into account these new global realities. Both Nestle and Unilever have developed global distribution and marketing networks, based on their powerbrands i. . market leading brands that are recognisable in nearly every country in the world. Both Nestle and Unilever have many powerbrands. Key aspects of global strategy include: 1. Treating the global market as the domestic market, in terms of attention to detail, without being complacent or ingnorant. 2. Creating a global marketing mix, recognizing regional and national differences, such as differences in language and tastes. 3. Creating global p roduction and distribution systems, e. We will write a custom essay sample on Unilever Vs Nestle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page g. superfactories covering major areas of the world. Concentrating on powerbrands the most successful brands and products. Because the global market is so large there are substantial benefits to be gained from economies of large scale production, marketing and distribution. Rather than producing thousands of different products it makes sense to narrow down the range to a much smaller number in order to support these brands across the globe. Unilever Unilever is one of the world’s leading suppliers of consumer goods, including household favorites such as Persil, Knorr, Hellmann’s, Lipton, and Dove. To keep up with consumer needs and increase operating margins, Unilever wanted to consolidate its 1600 brands to 400. By consolidating its brands, Unilever plans to focus on stronger product innovations, strengthening marketing efforts, building a world-class supply chain, and simplifying business processes. Dubbed Unilever’s Path to Growth strategy, the company has already saved â‚ ¬1. 6 billion from global procurement efficiencies. Maintaining 1,600 brands across the world was very difficult for Unilever to control. Unilever had a decentralized IT infrastructure which lacked the integration needed for a truly efficient global company. To reach its Path to Growth goals, employees at Unilever needed fast, easy access to information on both a regional and global basis. To get to this point, the IT department launched the Unilever Information Program (UIP) to develop an infrastructure to support the Path to Growth strategy. One of the greatest priorities for the UIP was to find a quick data integration solution to allow user access to any number of data sources for in-depth analysis. The UIP provided Unilever with the following ; †¢Better understand consumer needs and plan with its key global customers †¢Monitor the health of its top 400 power brands and competitors †¢Identify how to improve and streamline supply chain management worldwide †¢Provide business intelligence (BI) and financial reporting on a global basis By using the UIP Unilever are strengthening their relationships with retail customers. They will also be outsourcing transactional operations in IT, finance and human resources so that they can focus on growing global brands. Unilever has deep roots in local cultures and markets around the world that gives them a strong relationship with customers and is the foundation for their future growth strategy. They plan to bring their wealth of knowledge and international expertise to the service of local consumers. They view themselves as a truly multi-local multinational. Unilever’s future strategy is as follows; â€Å"We aim to build a winning portfolio by extending our leadership positions and our presence in high growth spaces. We are improving our core capabilities. Bringing all this ogether as ‘One Unilever’ will ensure that we capitalise on both our local roots and global scale. † This implies that they are trying to become a fully integrated company with the use of their UIP system and then apply their international experience and knowledge in local markets. Nestle With such an enormous product portfolio, Nestle uses six umbrella brands: Nestle, which accounts for 40 percent of the business, Purina pet foods, Maggi, Nescafe, Nestea, and Buitoni. Nestle uses a regional strategy, which is in turn the starting point for local market business strategies. To understand Nestles strategy of cost-efficient global growth, unwrap a Kit Kat. Nestle acquired the chocolate-covered wafer bar in 1988 when it bought Britains Rowntree. Today its a $1 billion business and the company is pushing Kit Kat as its answer to the Mars bar, the worlds most popular chocolate. Last year Nestle started producing Kit Kats in Russia and Bulgaria for Eastern Europe. A Latin American launch is planned this year. Kit Kat is already selling briskly in Japan, Australia and India, and a re-launch is under way in Thailand. Unlike Coca-Colas, Kit Kats formula is different almost everywhere. A Russian Kit Kat is a fraction of an ounce smaller than a Bulgarian one, and the chocolate is coarser and not as sweet as that in a German Kit Kat. In Japan, strawberry-flavored Kit Kat is all the rage. Each of these product variations is the result of thorough market research on local tastes. There is no global consumer for the food-and-beverage business. This is a deep belief we have, says Brabeck. For all Nestles global reach, Brabeck dismisses the idea of global brands. We believe there is no such thing as a global consumer, especially in a sector as psychologically and culturally loaded as food. As a result, Nestle retains its brand strength by using local brands, such as Rolo in the U. K. or the Rossyia confectionary range in Russia. Moreover, product formulations also vary from market to market to reflect local tastes. Every single day, billions of customers have to make the choice to pick our [products], he says. This means having a local character. For this reason, he dismisses the notion of global advertising. Yes, we tried once to make a global Nescafe campaign. On paper it was efficient, but it was a flop. Either they are not relevant or they are offensive. Nestle uses a differentiated marketing strategy customizing their products specifically for local tastes. This has proved very successful for them and they look to continue this strategy. Conclusion Unilever is using a slightly adapted global strategy. They have global powerbrands which are mostly unaltered from country to country. They are focused on integrating their company and becoming more efficient. Nestle however is using a full differentiated strategy with products fully adapted to each countries local market. In theory this is a far superior strategy but the main difference between the two companies is their product categories. Nestle is heavily involved in the food category while Unilever is primarily involved in the hygiene, cleaning and personal care category. Does this mean that Unilever’s products can afford to be less adapted than Nestle’s? I don’t think so. I believe that Nestle has a far superior strategy and will gain a significant competitive advantage from their strategy in the future.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Oscar Torres Essays (219 words) - , Term Papers

Oscar Torres Professor Johnson English 105 September 12, 2017 1315 E 9th St The sweet aroma of Long Beach's abundant sea of palm trees gently kissed my nostrils once again. It was another beautiful morning in the only home I knew was mine 1315 E 9th St the location where I grew from a young, innocent, and dependent boy to the man I am today. My home the only thing I knew every nook and cranny to; from the leaky rusted pipes behind the porcelain throne to the differing pattern in the tiles over the kitchen sink. Ninth Street was where I made some of the longest and ongoing connections to this day. A house is not a home until you are surrounded with the ones you love. This saying is one I slowly began to grasp like a growing vine tangling around a mailbox. In this house I was raised and introduced to my parents who even at an early age of my life it was transparent that they want nothing but the best for me especially being their first born. For as long as I can remember I met my first real friend in that house. It was my cousin who coincidently lived upstairs. She was a small, dark haired, and scrawny Hispanic girl a year younger then me. I was

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The John Peter Zenger Trial

The John Peter Zenger Trial John Peter Zenger was born in Germany in 1697. He immigrated to New York with his family in 1710. His father died during the voyage, and his mother, Joanna, was left to support him and his two siblings. At the age of 13, Zenger was apprenticed for eight years to the prominent printer William Bradford who is known as the pioneer printer of the middle colonies. They would form a brief partnership after the apprenticeship before Zenger decided to open his own printing shop in 1726. When Zenger would be later brought to trial, Bradford would remain neutral in the case.   Zenger Approached by Former Chief Justice Zenger was approached by Lewis Morris, a chief justice who had been removed from the bench by Governor William Cosby after he ruled against him. Morris and his associates created the â€Å"Popular Party† in opposition to Governor Cosby and needed a newspaper to help them spread the word. Zenger agreed to print their paper as the New York Weekly Journal. Zenger Arrested for Seditious Libel At first, the governor ignored the newspaper which made claims against the governor including his having arbitrarily removed and appointed judges without consulting the legislature. However, once the paper began to grow in popularity, he decided to put  a stop to it.  Zenger was arrested and a formal charge of seditious libel was made against him on November 17, 1734. Unlike today where libel is only proven when the published information is not only false but intended to harm the individual, libel at this time was defined as holding the king or his agents up to public ridicule. It did not matter how true the printed information was. Despite the charge, the governor was unable to sway a grand jury. Instead, Zenger was arrested based on prosecutors’ â€Å"information,† a way to circumvent the grand jury. Zengers case was taken before a jury. Zenger Defended by Andrew Hamilton Zenger was defended by Andrew Hamilton, a Scottish lawyer who would eventually settle in Pennsylvania. He was not related to Alexander Hamilton. However, he was important in later Pennsylvania history, having helped design Independence Hall. Hamilton took the case on pro bono. Zengers original lawyers had been stricken from the attorneys list due to the corruption that surrounded the case. Hamilton was able to successfully argue to the jury that Zenger was allowed to print things as long as they were true. In fact, when he was not allowed to prove that the claims were true through evidence, he was able to eloquently argue to the jury that they saw the evidence in their everyday lives and therefore didnt need additional proof. Results of the Zenger Case The result of the case did not create a legal precedent because a jury’s verdict does not change the law. However, it had a huge impact on the colonists who saw the importance of a free press to hold the government power in check. Hamilton was lauded by New York colonial leaders for his successful defense of Zenger. Nonetheless, individuals would continue to be punished for publishing information harmful to the government until state constitutions and later the US Constitution in the Bill of Rights would guarantee a free press. Zenger continued to publish the New York Weekly Journal until his death in 1746. His wife continued to publish the paper after his death. When his eldest son, John, took over the business he only continued to publish the paper for three more years.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Language teaching course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Language teaching course - Essay Example Language learning has a little bit to do with survival. If you don’t speak a language, you cannot communicate or interact with others and you cannot have your needs met. Additionally, if the teacher does not give his students all the answers, they will play an important part in acquiring knowledge. This type of approach promotes learning of skills that can be applied in other areas. This approach helps students learn to analyze, memorize and, most important of all, they learn to draw inferences and conclusions (Field 2000). The vocabulary taught was basic: good morning, my name is†¦, I’m from†¦, you’re welcome, good bye, etc are some of the words taught during the lesson. The teacher would draw pictures to help us learn new words. The activity our teacher carried out seems to follow the Audio-Lingual Method, which is based on teacher-student and student-student interaction. According to this method teachers are to use both spoken and pictures cues so that students learn to respond to verbal and non-verbal stimuli (Larsen-Freeman 2000). The vocabulary selected has to be rather basic as the teacher has limited time and he has to be able to make simple drawings. This would not work with words that describe more complex ideas. Furthermore, when students are learning a new language, be it a familiar or unfamiliar language, teachers cannot go overboard and try to make them learn too much material. This means that the first couple of lessons are going to go slowly, hence the basic words, with emphasis on the survival skill (Richardson 1983). During the lesson the teacher did not translate any of the words into English, which required the teacher to become a sort of entertainer. He had to use body language and act out certain words and phrases, which was both amusing and helpful. The students felt they had to make an effort to understand and use their imagination. As my classmates and I listened to our teacher

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global Ocean Currents explain why Northern Hemisphere is the soggier Essay

Global Ocean Currents explain why Northern Hemisphere is the soggier one - Essay Example This zone is referred to as the zone of inter-tropical convergence, and it is neither symmetric nor centred around the equator. Rather, it is to be found over the oceans in the northern tropical regions. Frierson et al. used observational data and model simulations to show overturning circulation in the oceans, as well as associated energy transports, and their importance in boreal disposition of rainfall (Hickey, 2013). Hemispheric asymmetry in the ITCZ is caused by the influence of tropical landmasses and their associated cloud fields, and atmospheric circulation on ocean currents and temperatures (Frierson et al, 2013). On average, the Southern hemisphere absorbs more energy than the Northern hemisphere from the atmosphere. The energetic imbalance that results between the two hemispheres is redressed by meridional overturning circulation of the ocean, which transports heat from the Southern Hemisphere northwards towards the equator to be released as atmospheric heat. The ITCZ is sensitive to heat redistribution through the meridional overturning circulation. Generally, in the tropics, energy at the surface is absorbed by the oceans and released into the extra-tropical regions. When these perturbations to the mean state are explored using a model, which removes the effects of continental landmasses, hemispheric asymmetry can also be induced within the ITCZ (Frierson et al, 2013). This hypothesis that ITCZ asymmetry is determined by meridional overturning circulation can also be tested by imposing, between the extra-tropics and tropics on the two hemispheres, a symmetrical flux of surface heat. The results show that, within the extra-tropics, differences in hemispheric atmosphere-ocean flux of heat related to meridional overturning circulation are a necessity for asymmetry of ITCZ (Pike, 2013). It is still important to note that surface heat flux present in hemispheric imbalance is a result of continental

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Sociology - Essay Example These perspectives show the same problems in the society but offer contrasting views on how to solve them (Vandelay, 2009). Health hazards are always present in the society since the beginning of time. They are part of the world as much as much as the tiniest organisms are. Although they are infamous because of their effects to humanity, nobody could totally get rid of illnesses. Even scientists who have been studying about illnesses for hundreds of years already could not answer all the questions regarding the causes, symptoms and solutions of some of the illnesses that threaten human existence. But man does not seem to give up easily, as time passes by, more and more attempts to answer essential questions regarding the origins of illnesses have been done. There are some scientists who explain the origins of illnesses as an accumulated result of environmental threats, personal defects and incapability to adapt to the environment. This view has been supported in the work of Boaz (2009). Because of illnesses, some if not all of functions of a person is hampered. And this is where it gets really detrimenta l. Once a person suffers from an unknown illness, its either he lives or he dies. Although doctors could well explain the biological causes of most of the diseases using experiments, scholars think that there are a lot of other reasons why diseases exist. People have different levels of immunity from illnesses, but this is not the main reason why people suffer greatly from diseases which have been solved by other scientists already. Some people wonder why these illnesses still exist. Perhaps the best way to analyze the reason behind the existence of these illnesses is to look at the social roots of these illnesses. Some scholars say that the answers in today’s biological issues are social in nature. This means that society has a say in whatever

Friday, November 15, 2019

Pizza Hut Marketing Plan

Pizza Hut Marketing Plan Pizza Hut is subsidiary of yum! Brands. Inc. The worlds largest restaurant company with more than 34,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. Fast food industry in growing very rapidly and so many new companies are entering in the market. Due to the increased competition companies are losing their market shares. Pizza Hut is preparing to introduce a new product called The Pickle Supreme Pizza in the UK market. The Pickle Supreme Pizza target market consist of professionals those have less time, students, single person households, families with high or medium income. Geographically this product will target Asian people which we feel that are less served in future by Pizza Hut. The new pizza will expand the pizza line and provide more options in our well balanced menu. Our major rivals include Domino Pizza, McDonalds, KFC and other Quick Service Restaurants (QSR). The primary objective of this new pizza is to serve our Asian customers and take competitive over other competitors. We also want to increase our market share by 2 percent in the market with the help of this new Pickle Supreme Pizza. Our marketing planning process of this new product will consist to situational analysis of the market, 7Ps of marketing Mix and control and implementation stage in which our marketing team evaluate the effectiveness of our plan. The marketing department will be responsible of executing this marketing plan into action. SITUATION ANALYSIS A number of demographic and social trends in the UK increasing demand for the quick services restaurants. The divorce rates in UK and other growing trends shows that people are getting married later in life.These factors and many others like Government figures show the number of single-person households rose from 12% of all households in 1971 to 18% in 2001.The figure is expected to reach 38% by 2026.The trends in the 2000s showing that individuals are choosing to eat out more often than eat at home. Another factor to consider is the increased number of women working outside the home. As a result of more women in the workforce, household incomes are increased and are higher than past. The increased incomes and dual-career familys result in less time and people have no time to cook food at home. Also because of higher incomes, consumers have more income that allowing them to eat out more often and when they are at home they are looking for something ready to eat. Market summary The UK is the largest fast food market in Europe and every 6 out of 10 consumers visit Pizza Hut every year, 2 out of 10 for one of our main competitors. In the UK and Ireland, the pizza fast food franchise industry is one of the fastest growing sectors, with pizza taking its place as a popular food among consumers. Similar to eating trends in the USA, the UK is also expanding its consumption level with millions of pizza being consumed every year. As in America people eat 100 acres of pizza per day, or 350 slices a second, the UK is also catching up to this figure very quickly. In a recent survey conducted by BBC World found that 45% of people in the UK were agreeing that they like the taste of fast food very much. Pizza Hut market consist of professionals those have less time, students, single person households, families with high or medium income. Environmental  Analysis (P)olitical Political issues include regulatory and judicial system which may affect the business. As our target market is in UK and there are no series political problems in that market.  Increase taxes can affect pizza hut in future but better management will help us to overcome that problem.   (E)conomical UK is badly affected by rescission. Unemployment level is very high in UK and the savings of people are also very low. This economic slump in the UK will also affect the Pizza Hut because pizzas at Pizza Hut are expensive. We will consider this  factor when setting the price of our new pizza.   (S)ocial Every country has its own social norms, values and religion which can affect Pizza Hut according to its location. In UK people are from different back grounds with different religion and values. We will consider all these factors in our new pizza specially a large  Asian  community in UK which in past was less  served by Pizza Hut. (T)echnological Due to new technology there are so many different ways of marketing such as internet, telemarketing text  massages to the  existing customers as well as  potential customers.  We will use new methods of promotion to increase our market share. Target Market and Customer Profile This section includes the profile of the customers and target markets Asians Due to globalization people are coming from different countries in UK. Our major target is to serve Asian people with that product. Asian people like to eat spicy food and also large numbers of people are vegetarian or eat Halal food. This product will cover all those people. Students Students are the target market of Pizza Hut because they spend a lot of time with friends in universities and like to go out frequently for parties and celebrations. Dual-career families Dual-career families result in less time at home; they have less time to cook food at home. Also these people have higher incomes which allowing them to eat out more often.   Single person house holds The single person house hold are also increasing these people are a target market of Pizza Hut. These people are also like to eat out most the times. Higher and medium income Professionals High professionals are targeted by the pizza hut. Because of lesser time and high disposable income they prefer ready to eat food or eat out side. SWOT Analysis (S)trengths Strong Brand Name   Brand recognition is major strength for Pizza Hut. Pizza hut has the strong brand name and a market leader by providing large range of pizzas that strong image of pizza hut will make it easy to launch new pizza in the market. Loyal customers Loyalty of customers is strength of Pizza Hut. The loyal customer will also help the Pizza Hut to launch new pizza in the market. Strong financial position Pizza Hut has excellent international turnover and strong financial position will also help in new pizzas financial matters. Specialized in pizzas Pizza Hut is specialist in pizza making and this specialty will create a strong perception in customers mind for our new pickle pizza. Subsidiary of Yum! Brands,inc Yum is the worlds largest restaurant company and Pizza Hut is subsidiary of Yum brand. Full service restaurants Pizza Hut provides a full service restaurant and delivery services which some of the pizza Huts competitors are not doing. Because of restaurant facility Pizza Hut can market some other segments like families that other pizza chains cannot. (W)eaknesses High priced Pizzas at Pizza Hut are high priced. This is the greatest weakness Pizza Hut has in the market as compared with others. Higher overhead costs Pizza Hut has higher overhead costs, due to the restaurant services and extra facilities that other competitors do not have to deal with. Fewer outlets: Pizza Hut has the lesser number of outlets and consumers feel difficulty to find pizza Hut. The Pizza Hut chains are not spread as compare to the other fast food restaurants. More focused on western taste: Pizza Hut is more focused on western taste and less on others. The new arrival will also helpful to overcome that weakness. (O)pportunities New Pizzas with different sizes and taste This opportunity is always open for pizza hut to come with new tastes and sizes and served the better than others. We can generate more revenue with our new innovative pizzas. Pickle pizza will help us to take full advantage of that opportunity. Halal pizza Pizza Hut has the opportunity to provide the Halal pizzas and capture a new segment which will increase the market share of pizza Hut. Number of outlets Pizza Hut has the opportunity to expand the business so Pizza Hut should open more outlets to increase market share and compete will with others like McDonalds. (T)hreats Increased completion The competitions in fast food industry is increasing day by day, this increased competition reducing the profit margins in the industry and also cause a great decrease of market share. Low prices by competitors The prices of the competitors are the major concern for Pizza Hut. The competitors are offering low prices to the customers and have competitive advantage over Pizza Hut. Frozen pizzas: Other competitors to take into consideration are frozen pizzas that are available in super stores and grocery stores. Competitors Analysis Pizza Hut is facing huge competition in the market. Competitors of Pizza Hut are; Restaurants and cafes Fast-food and Quick-service Restaurants Dominos pizza, Inc. Dominos Pizza, Inc. is an international fast food pizza delivery corporation. Dominos pizza is the UK and Irelands leading pizza delivery company. Dominos first UK store opened in 1985. Dominos pizza is the direct competitor of the Pizza Hut. Low prices of pizzas are the real competitive edge of the Dominos. McDonalds McDonalds is the worlds largest chain of fast food restaurants, serving nearly 47 million customers daily. McDonalds primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken products, French fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes and desserts. More recently, it has begun to offer salads, wraps and fruit. KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC, is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky.KFC is the subsidiary of Yum Brand. While its primary focus is fried chicken but giving tough time to the Pizza Hut. KFC also offers a line of roasted chicken products, sides and desserts. Quick Service Restaurants (QSR), Takeaways: There are thousands of local quick services restaurants are involved in the UKs fast food industry. These local takeaways are providing pizzas, fried chicken, and salads according to the local consumers taste and on very low prices. These restaurants are the real competitors of the pizza hut. The new Pizza Huts pickle pizza will help pizza hut to compete with these restaurants. MacDonald Corporation is the largest group among all top Fast Food corporations. It is having huge brand value as well as revenue, Moreover, the dominos Pizza Inc is the lowest earning group among all, but these all companies are having a universal aim to provide quality food at lower price to the customers. In order to survive in the global industry a company must come up with new tactics and innovations to charge ahead of the competitors. Product Offering We are offering a new pizza to our customers that will be especially popular in Asian customers and also other pizza consumers. New pickle supreme pizza will be available in all different bases and toppings. Available Bases Tuscani Pan The Italian Cheesy Bites Stuffed Crust Topping Topping of the pickle supreme pizza will be mixed pickle, mushrooms, mixed peppers, black olives (customers can add any other available topping of their choice). Availability The pickle supreme pizza will be available in our three menus with different sizes as other pizzas are available Restaurant menu Delivery and takeaway menu Collection menu Pizza deals The new pickle pizza will be available at all pizza hut chains throughout UK. We will take start from England and Wales and then cover Scotland and Ireland as well. MARKETING PLAN The opportunities are also the part of the marketing strategy. Marketing Objectives Pizza Hut has the largest market share in the pizza industry. The high quality of product and services of the pizza hut will help to ensure good chance at successful introduction of a new pizza. The fast food industry is famous for introducing new products to increase short-term sales. This new pizza will increase the market share of the company .Pizza Hut has the competitive edge in innovative products and this new product that will also be successful in the market. There is a high completion in the market; the introduction of a new product is required to keep ahead of the competition. One of our main objectives is to provide a pizza to our Asian customers and to fill a gap between pizza hut and our customers. As earlier mentioned that there is a large community of Asian people living in UK and we fell that they are less served by the Pizza Hut. The new pickle supreme pizza will help us to achieve that objective. Other objectives include Increase in fast food market share. Maintain the competitive edge of the innovations. Fulfil the demand of the customers. Increase in profitability and growth. Target markets The UK will be the target market of the new pickle supreme pizza. Our major aim is to catch Asian costumers by introducing this new product because we feel that they are less served in the past. Other pizza hut costumers will also like this new pizza. Changing social and demographic trend in UK contributed to increased demand for fast food and our target customers include Students, Dual-career families, Single person households etc. Positioning Innovations in menu and service offerings have been the key to Pizza Huts success in UK. Using product line extension we are positioning the pizza Hut an Innovative and quality food restaurant chain. Pizza Hut already positions itself as an excellent services and food provider in the fast food industry. Marketing Mix As with all businesses, the most important goal of a company is to increase revenue and profits. With the introduction of this new product we hope to increase the overall sales of the company as well as the services and quality of the products. Product The reason behind our success in all over the world is uncompromising drive in providing customers the best in terms of product quality, service, cleanliness and value. Pizza Hut pizzas are made with fresh dough baked daily and smothered with our very own 100% pure imported Mozzarella cheese. Pizza can be part of a well-balanced meal. Ingredients in our pizza include mixed pickle, mushrooms, mixed peppers, black olives (customers can add any other available topping of their choice). Pickle supreme pizza will be available in all sizes in which other pizzas are available such as individual (4 slices) medium (6 slices) large (8 slices). Pizza Hut has built a strong brand name that means quality products and services. Since Pizza Hut will be introducing Pickle supreme pizza customers will automatically think this is a high quality product. Price Pizza Hut is successfully using the high/low pricing strategies when setting the retail price of its products. This high/low pricing strategies will help to serve more segments in the market. The price of pickle supreme pizza should be set as  £5.99 for individual  £10.99 for medium  £13.99 for large Price skimming strategy will be used as Pizza Hut sets high initial prices for its products to send a signal to customers that its products are quality and the service is excellent. The medium and large pickle pizza will be available in deals as well by paying  £2.99 extra; customers can add salad of their own choice. Place At present we are using the direct distribution channels because our markets are very large and geographically dispersed. Other reason of direct distribution is that we have a large number of buyers, but a small amount purchased by each. Different methods of distribution will be used for pickle supreme pizza as company is currently using for other products. Home delivery is the first distribution method by pizza Hut. Pizza hut provide the pizza for those who want to stay at home and eat pizza. Online ordering is another distribution method that we are using now. Customers can go to the nearest Pizza Hut and can sit and eat there Pizza Hut provides an excellent sitting facilities to customers where they can sit and enjoy the variety of pizzas. This is the most useful distribution method for our pizza. Our new pickle pizza will be available in all distribution channels. This is One of Pizza Huts largest competitive advantages is its restaurant style facility. Promotion This objective of the promotion is to create awareness of the new product, Stimulate demand and change the short term behaviour of the customers. We will use different advertisement methods to introduce Pickle supreme pizza such as Advertisement on television Billboard in the main areas to get our customers Leaflets distribution in colleges and universities Door to Door distribution of leaflets In store promotions Banner ads Advertisement in Foot ball grounds E-mails Advertisement on the Web sites These methods are used to promote our product in the market. We use different types of advertisement to create awareness in our target market, we use leaflet distribution in universities to create awareness in student about our product. Advertisement on television in very expensive but we will use that method in the introduction stage of the product where intensive marketing in required. The objective is to create awareness among 90% of our target consumers about the new product. People Pizza Huts providing a very comfortable working environment and our employees are very flexible and they can adopt any change in product with great ease. We will arrange training sessions for employees to upgrade their skills according to the new product. We will put all our efforts to satisfy our employees. Process We will not compromise on quality and services in our restaurants. Our process will remain up to the mark for our new product as well. We have sufficient space for our new product to deal with. We will provide quality food, efficient services with on time deliveries. So our processes will continue without any problem. Physical Evidence Physical evidence is the place where the services being delivered. We are providing full service restaurants with family environment and excellent services. Our new product will also be available in restaurants menu and we have enough space to cover them. Action Plan The Pickle Supreme Pizza will be introduced and available to the customers in start of the July. The purpose of this action plan is to create awareness among the customers about their new product. Here are summaries of action plan we will use during the first four months to achieve our stated objectives. June In June we will start our promotional activities by using in-store advertisement with the slogan of coming soon or new arrival, advertisement on the Television in between world cup football matches. We know that this type of advertisement is very expensive but we expect that this type of advertisement will return us huge revenue. July We will start print media and internet campaign to target professionals, students and single households. We will start leafleting in universities, emails to the professionals and advertisement on the famous website like yahoo or msn to create awareness among our target market. We will continue in store advertisement in this month by giving special discount in meal deals. August In post launch advertisement campaign we will continue leaflet distributions and will use some less expensive techniques of promotion like emails, text messages, magazines and news papers. September We will continue our promotions but with less intensity. We will advertise in the news papers and magazines, leafleting with some other promotions on it in order To keep in touch with our customers. Marketing Research We will identify the market trends and the reaction of the target market towards the product with the help of different types of research methods. This marketing research will help us to identify the positioning of the product in the costumers mind. We will use the following methods to conduct our marketing research Questionnaires We will prepare a questionnaire that will help us in collecting primary data from the customers. The questionnaire will be consisting of different question which will cover all the points that will required to get the accurate research results. Surveys Surveys will keep us up to date about our customers expectations and make us fulfils their needs and wants more effectively. For this we would have to conduct a marketing survey of our market and try to find out that what our customers want and what they feel about new product. Whether they are satisfied with our product or want any up gradation in it. Live Market Test Live market test will work in two ways such as survey and promotions at one time. In store advertisement, promotions and distribution will be done and free samples will be offer to the people and feedback back will be taken from them. This feedback can positive or negative but will help us in future planning of the products. Feedback Form Feedback forms are also very important method of survey which will provide quick information with very low cost. Costumers will give information about their experience about products and services which help us to remove deficiencies if any. Financial Matters We are financially strong enough to introduce a new product in the market. The advertisement budget will be 5% of the projected sale. We are expecting that the Pickle supreme pizza will increase our sale by 6%, this forecast is based upon pervious products sale by Pizza Hut. This 6% increase in sale will bring  £600 million in revenue. It means advertising budget will be of 30 million. No other plant and equipment expenses will be accrued because the existing plant and machinery is used for the production of Pickle Supreme Pizza. Controls and Implementation We will establish a control program to help the management in measuring the results and identifying any problems or performance variation that need corrective actions. The control process involves establishing standards and measuring performance to correct deviations from standards. We will use different techniques to monitor quality and customer service satisfaction. This will help us to react very quickly in correcting any problems at the beginning. We will implement the following method to determine the effectiveness and customer satisfaction from our new product. Annual plan control In this method will monitor that whether company is achieving the targets and goals that are expected from the new product. Different are used monitor this such as Sales analysis, market share analysis, balance scorecard etc. Efficiency Control With the help of this will control on spending efficiency and marketing expenditures. In this we will analyze the sales force efficiency, advertising and sales promotions effectiveness as compare to expenses on all these things. Customers feedback This method will be used to collect information from the customers because this will help us to take immediate actions against any problem. Customers are the primary source to check the success of the product. Customers feedback will help us in taking further steps if required. Marketing Organisations Marketing director will hold overall responsibility for all of the companys marketing activities and all managers in the marketing department will report to the director. Marketing Audit plan will also executed enter the supervision of the marketing director. CONCLUSION I have critically analysed the Pizza hut and its current market situation and found that the fast food trends are changing; customers are demanding high quality food with excellent services and sitting arrangements. Pizza hut is offering large range of pizzas with salads, desserts etc, under one roof. Pizza hut also provide restaurant facilities to the customers. With the help of deep research of the market i found that the Pizza hut is losing large market share by ignoring a rapidly growing market of Asian Customers in the UK. These customers are less served by Pizza Hut but now its time to fill that gap by introducing a new Pickle Supreme pizza. The market environment of fast food industry in UK is very competitive. Pizza Hut is facing direct completion as well as in direct competition in the market in the form of Dominos, McDonalds, and KFC. Pizza Hut is a high price restaurant as compare to its competitors but providing high quality food and sitting facilities. Pizza hut has fewer number of outlets which is a weakness of pizza hut

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Gender And Relationship Of Children :: essays research papers

Gender and Relationship of Children Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The topic of sex differences in the play preschoolers has been explored by many researchers in the past. Studies have been conducted on basic sex differences such as what toys and gender of playmates do young boys and girls prefer. The size of children's play networks, as well as if these networks change in the size during the preschool years have been explored. Also, differences in styles of play and the occurrence of positive and negative interactions have been examined. The effect that parents have on their sons and daughters, as well as preschool classrooms and teachers have been examined as possible causes of sex differences during play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The aim of this paper is to critically review the recent literature in this field and determine whether or not sex differences occur in play. If sex differences occur, the possible reasons for this occurrence will also be examined. Review of the Research Section   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maccoby (1990) summarized a number of studies to support her hypothesis that suggests different social situations may either heighten or suppress sex differences in behaviour.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One study was that of social interaction between pairs of young children (Jacklin & Maccoby, 1978). Pairs of 33-month old children were brought together in the same-sex or mixed-sex in a laboratory playroom, and the amount and kind of social behaviour directed more social behaviour, both positive and negative, to same sex playmates that opposite sex ones. Girls paired with boys were more likely to stand watching their partners, or withdraw towards an adult, than boys in any pairing or girls playing with girls. The point brought up in this study is that interactive behaviour is not just situationly specific, it also depends on the gender of participants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some of the reasons given by Maccoby (1990) for attraction to same sex partners and avoidance of other sex partners in childhood are the rough play style of boys and their orientation towards competition and dominance. Another reason is that girls find it difficult to influence boys. An example of such reasoning is supported by a study done by Poulishta (1987). Preschool aged boy- girl pairs were observed competing for an object. The children were given a chance to use a movie-viewer that could only be used by one child at a time. It seemed while pairs were alone in the playroom the boys dominated the movie- viewer. When an adult was present, however, this did not occur, The adult's presence seemed to inhibit the boy's more power assertive techniques resulting in equal access. This supports the reason why the attraction to same sex

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Review Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries as a Teacher

| Review your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle. | 631 words| | Alan Marshall| | 28/01/2012 | L. Walklin (1990) â€Å"The roles and responsibilities of a teacher evolve with time and circumstance. It is impossible to give a rigid definition of either as they change constantly, though there are some roles and responsibilities that are common to all teachers throughout the education system. It is hard to know where the roles and responsibilities of a teacher should stop and I feel is each teacher’s responsibility to know the boundaries. There exists a misconception that the only skill required to be a teacher is the ability to teach, but it goes far beyond this. A teacher must be multi-faceted. † It is important to identify the difference between roles, responsibilities and boundaries. In order to do this the teacher should look at the dictionary definitions. Collins Dictionaries(1999) â€Å"Role: Usual function, capacity, duty, function, job, part, position, post, task: what is his role in the organisation? † â€Å"Responsibility: A person or thing for which one is responsible. In authority, in charge, in control, accountable, answerable, duty bound. A thing which one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal obligation† â€Å"Boundary: Something that indicates the farthest limit. A limit of something abstract, especially a subject or sphere of activity† Therefore responsibilities fit within roles and boundaries would include things such as maintaining professional relationships and taking care with communication methods (and increasingly social media use). To deal with each in order, the role of a teacher is primarily creating and facilitating opportunities for learning and will include: Schemes of work, lesson planning, finding and preparing materials, subject research. Record keeping is also an important role to ensure compliance with awarding and funding body regulation and legislation. This would include: Attendance registers, learner and teacher assessment and of course, reports. Some of the responsibilities of a teacher are: Health and safety. An example of this would be fire regulations and the pointing out of fire exits, and assembly points. Teachers are individually and collectively responsible for the safety of everyone whilst at the place of learning. Equal opportunities, promoting equality of all, regardless of age, gender and culture. Teachers need to examine their own behaviour to ensure they are not discriminatory and politically correct. Special needs. A teacher should also be aware of students with special needs and advocate conditions for their success. Continuous professional development; keeping yourself up to date in both teaching and your field of expertise. Maintaining high standards in your work and conduct, both in and out of the workplace. Complying with the rules of the organisation you are part of as well as legislation and codes of practice. The boundaries for any teaching role will include: Professional behaviour. A teachers professional values, rights, and responsibilities are more important than any sense of needing to be liked by others, needing to please others, or needing to make a good impression. As a teacher, discretion is required regarding what, where, and to whom personal information is disclosed. A teacher should both model and teach appropriate boundaries. The teaching environment such as the type of student and the subject will influence whether or not touching is appropriate. In short, the teacher is responsible for eliminating any possible misunderstanding. The teaching/training cycle is about identifying needs, planning and designing, delivering and facilitating, assessing and finally evaluating before it all starts again. Becoming a professional is an on-going process. A teacher should allow time each day for self-examination and reflection. Teachers need to continually assess their own personal behaviour, learn from their experiences, and realize that they will always be faced with unpredictable challenges. This system of continual improvement is known in industry as â€Å"Kaisen† but is equally applicable to the teaching profession. Reference List: Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus (1999) Teaching and Learning in Further and Adult Education. L. Walklin (1990)

Friday, November 8, 2019

General Ambrose Burnside in the Civil War

General Ambrose Burnside in the Civil War The fourth of nine children, Ambrose Everett Burnside was born to Edghill and Pamela Burnside of Liberty, Indiana on May 23, 1824. His family had moved to Indiana from South Carolina shortly before his birth. As they were members of the Society of Friends, which opposed slavery, they felt they could no longer live in the South. As a young boy, Burnside attended Liberty Seminary until his mothers death in 1841. Cutting short his education, Burnsides father apprenticed him to a local tailor. West Point Learning the trade, Burnside elected to utilize his fathers political connections in 1843, to obtain an appointment to the US Military Academy. He did so despite his pacifist Quaker upbringing. Enrolling at West Point, his classmates included Orlando B. Willcox, Ambrose P. Hill, John Gibbon, Romeyn Ayres, and Henry Heth. While there he proved a middling student and graduated four years later ranked 18th in a class of 38. Commissioned as a brevet second lieutenant, Burnside received an assignment to the 2nd US Artillery. Early Career Sent to Vera Cruz to take part in the Mexican-American War, Burnside joined his regiment but found that the hostilities had largely been concluded. As a result, he and the 2nd US Artillery were assigned to garrison duty in Mexico City. Returning to the United States, Burnside served under Captain Braxton Bragg with the 3rd US Artillery on the Western Frontier. A light artillery unit that served with the cavalry, the 3rd helped protect the routes west. In 1949, Burnside was wounded in the neck during a fight with the Apaches in New Mexico. Two years later, he was promoted to first lieutenant. In 1852, Burnside returned east and assumed command of Fort Adams at Newport, RI. Private Citizen On April 27, 1852, Burnside married Mary Richmond Bishop of Providence, RI. The following year, he resigned his commission from the army (but remained in the Rhode Island Militia) to perfect his design for a breech-loading carbine. This weapon used a special brass cartridge (also designed by Burnside) and did not leak hot gas like many other breech-loading designs of the time. In 1857, Burnsides carbine won a competition at West Point against a multitude of competing designs. Establishing the Burnside Arms Company, Burnside succeeded in obtaining a contract from Secretary of War John B. Floyd to equip the US Army with the weapon. This contract was broken when Floyd was bribed to use another arms maker. Shortly thereafter, Burnside ran for Congress as a Democrat and was defeated in a landslide. His election loss, coupled with a fire at his factory, led to his financial ruin and forced him to sell the patent for his carbine design. The Civil War Begins Moving west, Burnside secured employment as the treasurer of the Illinois Central Railroad. While there, he became friendly with George B. McClellan. With the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, Burnside returned to Rhode Island and raised the 1st Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry. Appointed its colonel on May 2, he traveled to Washington, DC with his men and quickly rose to brigade command in the Department of Northeast Virginia. He led the brigade at the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, and was criticized for committing his men piecemeal. Following the Union defeat, Burnsides 90-day regiment was mustered out of service and he was promoted to brigadier general of volunteers on August 6. After serving in a training capacity with the Army of the Potomac, he was given command of the North Carolina Expeditionary Force at Annapolis, MD. Sailing for North Carolina in January 1862, Burnside won victories at Roanoke Island and New Bern in February and March. For these achievements, he was promoted to major general on March 18. Continuing to expand his position through the late spring of 1862, Burnside was preparing to launch a drive on Goldsborough when he received orders to bring part of his command north to Virginia. Army of the Potomac With the collapse of McClellans Peninsula Campaign in July, President Abraham Lincoln offered Burnside command of the Army of the Potomac. A humble man who understood his limitations, Burnside declined citing a lack of experience. Instead, he retained command of IX Corps which he had led in North Carolina. With the Union defeat at Second Bull Run that August, Burnside was again offered and again declined command of the army. Instead, his corps was assigned to the Army of the Potomac and he was made commander of the armys right wing consisting of IX Corps, now led by Major General Jesse L. Reno, and Major General Joseph Hookers I Corps. Serving under McClellan, Burnsides men took part in the Battle of South Mountain on September 14. In the fighting, I and IX Corps attacked at Turners and Foxs Gaps.   In the fighting, Burnsides men pushed back the Confederates but Reno was killed. Three days later at the Battle of Antietam, McClellan separated Burnsides two corps during the fight with Hookers I Corps ordered to the northern side of the battlefield and IX Corps ordered south. Antietam Assigned to capture a key bridge at the south end of the battlefield, Burnside refused to relinquish his higher authority and issued orders through the new IX Corps commander, Brigadier General Jacob D. Cox, despite the fact that the unit was the only one under his direct control. Failing to scout the area for other crossing points, Burnside moved slowly and focused his attack on the bridge which led to increased casualties. Due to his tardiness and the time needed to take the bridge, Burnside was unable to exploit his success once the crossing was taken and his advance was contained by Major General A.P. Hill. Fredericksburg In the wake of Antietam, McClellan was again sacked by Lincoln for failing to pursue General Robert E. Lees retreating army. Turning to Burnside, the president pressured the uncertain general into accepting command of the army on November 7. A week later, he approved Burnsides plan for taking Richmond which called for a rapid movement to Fredericksburg, VA with the goal of getting around Lee. Initiating this plan, Burnsides men beat Lee to Fredericksburg, but squandered their advantage while waiting for pontoons to arrive to facilitate crossing the Rappahannock River. Unwilling to push across local fords, Burnside delayed allowing Lee to arrive and fortify the heights west of the town. On December 13, Burnside assaulted this position during the Battle of Fredericksburg. Repulsed with heavy losses, Burnside offered to resign, but was refused. The next month, he attempted a second offensive which bogged down due to heavy rains. In the wake of the Mud March, Burnside asked that several officers who were openly insubordinate be court-martialed or he would resign. Lincoln elected for the latter and Burnside was replaced with Hooker on January 26, 1863. Department of the Ohio Not wishing to lose Burnside, Lincoln had him re-assigned to IX Corps and placed in command of the Department of the Ohio. In April, Burnside issued the controversial General Order No. 38 which made it a crime to express any opposition to the war. That summer, Burnsides men were key in the defeat and capture of the Confederate raider Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan. Returning to offensive action that fall, Burnside led a successful campaign which captured Knoxville, TN. With the Union defeat at Chickamauga, Burnside was attacked by the Confederate corps of Lieutenant General James Longstreet. A Return East Defeating Longstreet outside Knoxville in late November, Burnside was able aid in the Union victory at Chattanooga by preventing the Confederate corps from reinforcing Braggs army. The following spring, Burnside and IX Corps were brought east to aid in Lieutenant General Ulysses Grants Overland Campaign. Initially reporting directly to Grant as he outranked the Army of the Potomacs commander, Major General George Meade, Burnside fought at the Wilderness and Spotsylvania in May 1864. In both cases he failed to distinguish himself and often was reluctant to fully engage his troops. Failure at the Crater Following the battles at North Anna and Cold Harbor, Burnsides corps entered the siege lines at Petersburg. As the fighting stalemated, men from IX Corps 48th Pennsylvania Infantry proposed digging a mine under the enemy lines and detonating a massive charge to create a gap through which Union troops could attack. Approved by Burnside, Meade, and Grant, the plan went forward. Intending to use a division of specially trained black troops for the assault, Burnside was told hours before the attack to use white troops. The resulting Battle of the Crater was a disaster for which Burnside was blamed and relieved of his command on August 14. Later Life Placed on leave, Burnside never received another command and left the army on April 15, 1865. A simple patriot, Burnside never engaged in the political scheming or backbiting that was common to many commanders of his rank. Well aware of his military limitations, Burnside was repeatedly failed by the army which should never have promoted him command positions. Returning home to Rhode Island, he worked with various railroads and later served as governor and a US senator before dying of angina on September 13, 1881.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Unless we accept the claim that Lenin's coup gave birth to an entirely new state, and indeed to a new era in the history of mankind, we must recognize in today's Soviet Union the old empire of the Russians the only empire that survived into the mid 1980'sÓ (Luttwak, In their Communist Manifesto of 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels applied the term communism to a final stage of socialism in which all class differences would disappear and humankind would live in harmony. Marx and Engels claimed to have discovered a scientific approach to socialism based on the laws of history. They declared that the course of history was determined by the clash of opposing forces rooted in the economic system and the ownership of property. Just as the feudal system had given way to capitalism, so in time capitalism would give way to socialism. The class struggle of the future would be between the bourgeoisie, who were the capitalist employers, and the proletariat, who were the workers. The struggle would end, according to Marx, in the socialist revolution and the attainment of full communism Socialism, of which ÒMarxism-LeninismÓ is a takeoff, originated in the West. Designed in France and Germany, it was brought into Russia in the middle of the nineteenth century and promptly attracted support among the country's educated, public-minded elite, who at that time were called intelligentsia (Pipes, 21). After Revolution broke out over Europe in 1848 the modern working class appeared on the scene as a major historical force. However, Russia remained out of the changes that Europe was experiencing. As a socialist movement and inclination, the Russian Social-Democratic Party continued the traditions of all the Russian Revolutions of the past, with the goal of conquering political As early as 1894, when he was twenty-four, Lenin had become a revolutionary agitator and a co...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

MGT506 - Strategic Leadership, Mod 2 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGT506 - Strategic Leadership, Mod 2 SLP - Essay Example According to the definition, open systems elaborate an organizational model that allows the organization to interact with the society i.e. take necessary input and deliver outputs. Considering that factor, open social systems and organizations have a tendency to adapt to social changes according to feedback provided and makes required changes internally. Hence, open system of an organization is a live mechanism that is continuously evolving and showing changes in its structure and behavior. In contrast with an open system, closed system shows a deterministic approach. This system operates in the absence of feedback loop that is detached from external factor. It can be said that closed systems allow its components to remain within the sphere of their identity that shows a constant character. In the light of these doctrines, it can be established that language and society are closed mechanisms that only shows slow alterations only when the system needs external information and shows gr adual changes over decades and sometimes centuries. Similarly, external discharge of information is also selected and limited (Katz & Kahn, 1966). It has been observed that Martin Luther King was a transformational leader who used pathos, ethos and symbols for influencing his followers. It can be observed that MLK has emerged as the leader of African Americans due to consistency in his behavior and lack of adherence to requirements of other social forces. This astute and consistent behavior makes him a follower of closed system regime. These demands had a concrete background based on bias shown towards Blacks by American society that spreads on the span of centuries. Basing his requirements on the discriminated behavior, he demanded equal rights for African Americans from the beginning and did not alter his requirements in response to other social factors. Requirement was only one which entails that African Americans citizens must have equal legal and ethical status as the white one s (Luther, 1963). On the basis of this stature, he managed to illustrate a behavior of constant struggle and fundamentality in his principles. With the help of this consistency in overall behavior, he managed to attract and retain millions of Blacks as his followers which ended up brining revolution in American society and legislation. In comparison with MLK, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a follower of open-system ideology. Jinnah himself was a learned barrister who had spent most of his life in England. He was a follower of a belief that Muslims and Hindus in subcontinent should live together. However, after spending considerable time in All India Congress, he observed the bias against Muslims that made him lay down the foundation of Muslim League in Subcontinent, the only Muslim party that legalized the initiatives for separate country for Muslims (Wolpert, 2005). Where Jinnah initially worked on transforming the legal and ethical status of Muslims in subcontinent like MLK, his percepti on changed over time on the basis of events that lead him to believe that Muslims need to have a separate homeland for earning a right of respectful living. Therefore, after late 1920s, the direction of

Friday, November 1, 2019

International investing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International investing - Essay Example And it is usually easy for holders of corporate securities to sell their shares when the business is not doing well. The stockholders of a corporation risk only what they paid for their investment. The growth of international investors has greatly increased the degree of world wide economic and political interdependence. Over the past years, there has been an increasing amount of investment in the U.S. by foreign investors and in foreign nations by U.S. investors (Brigham, Houston, & Clark, 2004). These developments only suggest an increasing degree of mutual influence and interdependence among businessmen and nations, to which the United States is not immune. Here are the primary reasons why investors go â€Å"international†. a. HOME MARKET SATURATION. After a company has saturated its home market, growth opportunities are often better in foreign markets. These foreign markets will create the demand for its supply as they give the company new sets of consumers and eventually demand for new products will be discovered. b. SPECIALIZATION AND COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE. Many of the present multinational firms began their international operations because raw materials were located abroad. Specialization and comparative advantage come in. Specialization is the division of productive activities among persons and regions so that no one individual or one area is totally self-sufficient (Miller, 2004). A firm can reduce its cost by simply obtaining raw materials in countries where the price is cheaper. Other firms have moved their manufacturing facilities overseas to take advantage of cheaper production costs in low-cost countries. And because no single nation holds a commanding advantage in all technologies, companies are scouring the globe for leading scientific and design ideas. c. UNFAVORABLE DOMESTIC BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND POLICIES. The prevailing business regulations

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Competence destroying vs enhancing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Competence destroying vs enhancing - Assignment Example There are two types of innovations which are architectural innovation and generation innovations. Architectural innovation is characterized by fundamental changes in the linkages between existing subsystems in an organization. The modifications are made to ensure that the organization achieves its goals and objectives much faster with minimal expenditures. Generational innovations were involved with changes made to the already existing linked subsystems hence it is much broader. Assessing the effects of an innovation to a business is very important since it will determine whether the organization will carry on with the innovation or stop it. At the same time it can be used to point out the weak points of the innovation so as to aid with the process of improving it. The level of competence enhancing and destroying are the major concepts used to determine the effect of an innovation. For instance, in e-business, can be assessed whether it is appropriate to the organization being on a number of factors. For instance, the innovation should cost effective in the sense that there is minimal time spent and financial input towards achieving the organizations

Monday, October 28, 2019

The social impact of the Second World War Essay Example for Free

The social impact of the Second World War Essay The Second World War had a profound effect on white men who lived in the United States during the 1940s. Many volunteered for overseas military service, and many more joined the army in the nations first peacetime draft, which occurred in 1941 as a precursor to the United Statess future involvement in the war. World War II also, however, had a profound impact on the lives of women and ethnic minorities in the United States. Because white men were the primary candidates of the draft, women and minorities were able to fill job openings that were created when over 1 million Americans went to fight the war. This was not true of Japanese-Americans, however, who were treated with high levels of discrimination and were detained on account of their ancestral background, on the grounds that they were perceived as a threat to national security in the United States. Thus, while the average domestic American woman and ethnic minority benefited from the Second World War, Japanese-Americans were often targets of racial profiling and bigotry, suffering greatly during the war. Until the United States became involved in World War II, women were primarily confined to domestic duties. With the Great Depression affecting the lives of all American families prior to the war, there were not enough jobs for women and men to fill, and thus men received priority when jobs were being filled. Once many men left the United States to fight the war, however, women were able to fill jobs that were now vacant. Women were soon found commonly in industrial positions, as searchlight workers, and nurses in the military. One important political figure during World War II was Rosie the Riveter, who was portrayed as a buff-looking woman who represented female factory workers during this time period. This was an important figure for the United States because it convinced women to apply for jobs that were previously considered â€Å"man’s work†, in order to secure a paycheck and support the nation’s wartime effort. Women idolized the idea of supporting the United States by working for companies that produced war supplies and foodstuffs for the military. This shift in gender roles and social changes in the lives of women was only temporary, however, as the role of women in America returned to that of a housewife after victory in Japan was sealed and the men and women who went to fight the war returned home. Many married women and mothers did continue to work, however, and the percentage of working women in the United States remained at its highest in history. This is a profound social impact that  still affects the role of women in American society today. African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans were also socially impacted by World War II. Both ethnic groups migrated toward large cities in the United States and, like women, took jobs previously denied to them because they were already filled by white males. Once the military draft occurred, however, many vacancies appeared and job openings became prominent, even for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. In addition, both ethnic groups had a sizeable representation in the United States’s military troops that fought the Second World War. While many soldiers from these groups were drafted into the military, many more volunteered for Allied service. Whether because they felt obligated to serve out of patriotism, or if they hoped to gain additional civic rights as a reward for military service, the importance of these ethnic groups in the military during World War II is not something that can be neglected. During and after, ethnic minorities African-Americans especially rallied much support for the desegregation movement. The people of the United States soon would no longer be legally allowed to socially isolate people based on their race as they had done in the past. All public buildings would have their â€Å"Whites Only† and â€Å"Colored Only† in favor of equality and social integration of all races. These dramatic social benefits for ethnic minorities of the 1940s and the future were all caused, directly and indirectly, by the Second World War. While women, African-Americans, and Hispanic-Americans may have benefited from the outbreak of the war, Japanese-Americans were subject to much bigotry and were detained in internment camps throughout the time that the United States was involved in the Second World War. President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 approximately 2 months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. This order stated that the American government had the right to detain anyone in the United States who could compromise national security during the war. While this affected a few hundred people of German and Italian descent, the order was primarily directed toward Japanese-Americans, of whom over 100,000 were detained for the duration of the United States’s involvement in the war. Even before being incarcerated, Japanese-Americans were the subject of much racism and discrimination among other Americans due solely to their heritage. They were labeled as â€Å"Japs†, a common abbreviation for a Japanese person that became an ethnic slur following the attack on  Pearl Harbor. Other Americans treated Japanese-Americans as inferior beings and treated them similarly to how African-Americans had been treated in recent American history. Thus, Japanese-Americans suffered greatly during the Second World War, in contrast to the benefits that women and other ethnic minorities experienced. While white men were the primary participants in the United States’s World War II effort, of whom hundreds of thousands enlisted in the military or were drafted, the Second World War had profound impacts on women and ethnic minorities as well. Opportunities emerged in job fields that now had vacancies since so many men left to fight the war. In addition, women were able to join the war effort by serving as nurses, and colored men were able to enlist and serve the Allies as soldiers. Japanese-Americans, however, were subject to much bigotry and racism from other Americans and were even detained throughout the course of American involvement in the war. Even though the United States government eventually apologized for its actions toward Japanese-Americans, they suffered greatly during the war and did not benefit socially from the Second World War, as did women and other ethnic minorities.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Attitudes Toward Sex Education Essay -- Sociology Sexual Education

Sex is huge, sex is important; everyone cares and has something to say about sex. Sex sells. Sex is an immense part of life for almost everyone in the nation and the world, including youth. Teens hear about sex from their friends, from the shows they watch on television, from the music they listen to, and sometimes, once in a while, they hear about it as discussed by their parents and teachers in an educational context. In a Center For Disease Control (CDC) report from the year 2000, about 65% of 19 year-old teens were currently sexually active, with another 20% unsure if they would chose to be active or not in the near future, and only the remaining 15% choosing to be abstinent from sex at this age. Obviously the majority of teens are engaging in some nature of sexual activity at a relatively early age, and therefore it is important that they learn about the consequences associated with sex and about safe sexual practices, like using protection and being informed about sexual transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy. It was reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute that approximately 4 in 10 young women in the U.S. become pregnant at least once before turning 20 years old. It was also reported that in the U.S., one in four sexually active teens become infected with an STD every year. With alarming statistics such as these, it is a given that these teens must be well informed before making a decision that could very well alter their lives. The overwhelming majority of parents and other adults surveyed believe that some form of sex education should be taught in schools today. When asked "Would you be for or against sex education in the public schools?" in 2004 by the General Social Survey (GSS) over 90% o... ...rds to the research question. Overall however, I believe this was a good start to performing a study on this interesting and important topic. Sources Boseley, Sarah. Europeans reject abstinence message in split with US on Aids. The Guardian. December 1, 2005. Colby, Edward B. Schooled. Columbia Journalism Review. September 1, 2005, Vol. 44 Issue 3. Feldman, Sally. Why I'm Glad My Daughter Had Underage Sex. Humanist. Nov/Dec 2004, Vol. 64 Issue 6. Jayson, Sharon. Teens Define Sex in New Ways. USA TODAY. October 19, 2005. Ubell, E. Sex-education programs that work-and some that don't. Parade Magazine. February 12, 1995. Walter, HJ & Vaugh RD. AIDS risk reduction among a multi-ethnic sample of urban high school students. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1993. New England Primer Website NPR website

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Treasure Hunt, Pico Question

Title: Treasure Hunt Assignment ? Pico Question The PICO question used in this assignment is In adult patients with short term voiding problems, what is the effect of urethral catheter design compared with standard latex catheters on the rate of urinary tract infection? Define Systematic Review A systematic review is a scientific approach that combines results from a group of original research studies and looks at the studies as a whole (Nieswiadomy, 2012).Systematic reviews are pertinent for evidence-based practice (EBP) because it brings together research on the effectiveness of treatments or interventions and helps clinicians decide which treatments or approaches are supported by evidence (Nieswiadomy, 2012). Titles Found-First Search The following are five titles found: †¢Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. †¢Methenamine hippurate for preventing urinary tract infections. †¢Cranberries for treating urinary tract infections. Prophylactic antibiotics to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections after urodynamic studies. †¢Routine neonatal circumcisions for the prevention of urinary tract infections in infancy. Systematic Review Found-Second Search The systematic review that was found on the second search that specifically answers the PICO question is Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalized adults by Katie Schumm and Thomas Lam. Summary of the Systematic ReviewDescribe how the systematic review applies to the PICO Question (1) The systematic review answers the PICO question in that it addresses risk and rate of urinary tract infections associated with types of indwelling catheters in adult hospitalized patients with short term voiding problems. Types of Studies Reviewed (2) Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialized Register of trials (May 24, 2010) was searched in addition to bibliographies of relevant articles.Catheter manufacture representatives were also contacted for tria ls (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). How the Review was conducted (3) Selection Criteria Selection criteria were compromised of all randomized and quasi-randomized trials that compared types of indwelling urinary catheters for short-term use in hospitalized adults (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Data collection Data collected was reviewed and then independently verified by a second reviewer (Schumm & Lamm, 2008).Clarifications were sought and disagreements were resolved as described in the Cochrane Handbook (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Subjects Twenty three trials were conducted. Those meeting criteria were 5,246 hospitalized adults in parallel groups trials and 27,878 adults in one large cluster-randomized cross-over trial (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Important Terms Defined and Significance (4,5) Urinary catheters were defined as â€Å"small tubes inserted through the urethra (outlet for urine)† (Schumm & Lamm, 2008).The review further states that urinary catheters are used short term post-surgery or to m onitor urine output in hospitalized patients (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). It is important to define this term because it is a main component of the subject of study. Also, defining a term in a systematic review provides clarity and a clear-cut definition of the subject for those not familiar with medical terminology. Studies Reviewed (6) Full access to this review is restricted without a membership.The abstract and information cited by is accessible for free. From what can be gathered, thirteen different studies were reviewed for this systematic review. Primary Recommendation and Significance (7,8) What this review concluded is that antiseptic or antibiotic coated urinary catheters might reduce the presence bacteriuria of hospitalized adults, and that siliconized catheters might cause the least side effects in men (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). However the review stated the evidence was weak.It suggested that more rigorous trials are needed to make a valid conclusion as to if antibiotic or antise ptic coated urinary catheters reduce the rate of urinary tract infections (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). This conclusion is important to nursing care because it addresses some possible interventions/treatments to reduce the most common hospital acquired infection which ultimately leads to providing excellent patient care to promote and abstain optimal health.If further research does conclude that antibiotic or antiseptic coated urinary catheters are effective at reducing the rate of urinary tract infections, health care has yet advanced another step in resolving the huge of issue nosocomial-acquired infections. References Nieswiadomy, R. M. (2012). Foundation of Nursing Resarch (6th ed. ). Boston: Pearson. Schumm K. , Lam, B. L. (2008). Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalized adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008 (2). DOI: 10. 1002/14651858. CD004013. pub3 ?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Eliade on Baptism

Renate Rodila Professor Nick Newell Rels 2001 17 September 2012 Eliade on Baptism Eliade believes in a sacred space that is connected to the creation of the cosmos from chaos. Through these beliefs Eliade would see baptism as a ritual symbolizing the original act of creation by God. Eliade claims that for religious man and non-religious man a sacred space exists. For religious man the sacred space is not homogenous and divided between the real existing space and the entire formless expanse surrounding it (Eliade 20).For non-religious man, places such as a man’s birthplace can be considered unique and sacred to them (Eliade 24). Religious man separates space between cosmos and chaos. The cosmos is the inhabited world and the chaos is the unknown space outside the world (Eliade 29). Eliade then describes the axis mundi as a vertical feature seen as the center of the world. This center is labeled as a pole, pillar or tree that links the heaven, the earth, and the underworld (Elia de 36).The imago mundi is defined as the cosmos on the ground divided into four regions with the axis mundi as the central point (Eliade 45). The religious man wants to be in a place closest to the gods and can do this by physically living in a location near the axis mundi or by experiencing the cosmos as it was first created. In the book of Matthew and Romans the use of baptism in the Christian world is explained. Matthew 3 tells the story of how baptism started with Jesus going to the Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist.The moment Jesus was baptized the heavens opened up and he saw a dove as the spirit of god (Bible, Matthew 3:16). He also heard a voice from heaven saying, â€Å"This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased† (Bible, Matthew 3:17). Eliade would refer to the Jordan River in Jerusalem as a sacred space for the Christian community. The heavens opening at this spot makes it an axis mundi because it is a place where the communication from earth t o the heavens was exposed.Eliade acknowledges in his writing that Jerusalem is a sacred and holy place in the Judaeo- Christian Traditions (Eliade 44-45). This is the location where Jesus was baptized because of how sacred it was there. In Romans 6 baptism is told to be a way that man can be reborn into a new life free of sin. Baptism make the man become one with the body of Christ and through him become alive to god (Bible, Romans 6:10-11). Then back to Matthew in chapter 28 Jesus told his disciples to baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Jesus can also be considered an axis mundi because he is the connection to the cosmic levels. So by being baptized and becoming one with Jesus a person is able to get closer to God. Being baptized serves as a symbol of the rebirth of the world. Eliade says, â€Å"The experience of sacred time will make it possible for religious man periodically to experience the cosmos as it was†¦at the mythical moment of creation† (Eliade 65). Man needs to experience the creation of the cosmos and for Christians that is through baptism.When someone is baptized that person is submerged in water and the taken back out. The water can be seen as the formless expanse of chaos and emergence from water symbolized creation and birth, whereas on the other hand, immersion in water meant the loss of form and symbolized a return to the situation prior to creation, and death prior to rebirth. To sum it up Eliade would consider the aquatic symbolism of baptism as a way to get closer to God and spiritually reliving the creation of the cosmos.